Friday, April 25, 2008

Developing Self Confidence

By Pete Connelly

How do we go from nought to ten in developing self confidence, is it possible, is it in a book, on a tape or even transferable from a friend. Well we probably will not go from zero to hero in one foul swoop but we can edge up from zero to midway in a relatively short time.

Self confidence and the development of it can, will and does come from within, those familiar with my previous articles will know that where I always start is between the ears.

Yes you got it, the mind, for things to change we have to change and it all starts with our minds. No I am not saying you can think yourself confident but like all problems we have to first take a look at where we are at now.

Having identified our current condition, we need to know where we are going, how we will measure our progress and the action required to develop our self confidence.

Please make a note of that, action required, I always lacked confidence in that I had not tried to do, in not trying it made me feel worse I started to feed my lack of self confidence. I was destroying from within, her is the great news I feel a few simple practices can start the climb back up the confidence ladder.

Before we precede you need to promise yourself you will be fare on you, you will not compare yourself with your super confident friend.

Confidence building steps, simple small action steps.

1. Always try to look your best; I am not talking latest designer wear but clean appearance, fresh. well groomed

2. Before leaving home look in the mirror, tell yourself some thing goods going to happen today for you.( don't scoff do it)

3. Walk a little quicker than normal, hold your head up and shoulders back.

4. Whatever it takes smile, say good morning with that smile.

5. Practice eye contact when speaking with others. These five small steps practised daily will produce progress along the path of developing self confidence; remember everyone has to start some where. I know that self confidence can be built through small meaningful steps, so try it and expose yourself to the risk as being described as someone with developing self confidence.

Peters is a leading motivational speaker and inspirational trainer.

His success is built on using 25 years of deep rooted fears and failures as stepping stones on a Journey from fear to faith which produced great results.... Today his deep passion and purpose is in helping others see themselves bigger than their current circumstances.

his website is a valuable resource to overcome fear and move forward with possibility thinking

Peter currently has a free download of the highly successful Think And Grow Rich available for a limited timegrab your copy today while its still free

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Nine Quick Self Confidence Boosts

By Emmanuel Segui

Everyone has had a day where the world just did not seem to be on their side and that black cloud was persistently over their head. If you are simply having one of those days where your self confidence seems to be dragging you down, instead of wallowing in self pity, take steps to boost yourself up! Maybe you just woke up not quite feeling your best or made a significant mistake in front of someone important. Perhaps you did not do as well as you thought on your test or did not excel at your interview.

Whatever the reason, learning a few tricks to quickly boost your self confidence will have a bounce in your step and your head in the clouds in no time!

Find a physical activity you enjoy doing. Whether it is jogging, aerobics, or yoga, exercise is a sure-fire way to boost your self confidence. If you are starting to feel low, take 15 minutes out of your day to exercise your worries away.

In addition to producing endorphins that raise your spirits, you will have lessened your chances for disease, heart attack, and stroke in one fell swoop. If that capability is not enough to boost your self confidence, then think about the physical effects of exercise.

Even a brief amount of exercise is enough to trim and shape up your body. The old saying, when you look good, you feel good is in full effect.

Take a second to be silly whether you need a hearty belly laugh or a moment to dance by yourself. A second is enough time to feel good about yourself again. Many websites will send jokes to your inbox on a daily or weekly basis. Sign up for this free service and open the e-mail when you are feeling low. There is nothing like a good laugh to remind yourself what a great person you are.

Put on your favorite song and dance like there is no tomorrow. In addition to easing your stress, your self confidence will shoot through the roof as the music brings back favorite memories.

Allow yourself a luxury. Remind yourself you are important and worthy of the world on a silver platter. When things are not going your way and you begin to question yourself, take time to reward yourself. Whether it is a chocolate kiss or a pat on the back, your spirits-and self esteem-will be lifted.

Write down your goals that you have achieved and look back at them when you are feeling low.
Maybe you were the first person to graduate from college in your family. Perhaps you just closed on a fantastic house. Maybe you made president of your organization.

Whatever your accomplishment, allow yourself a minute to remind yourself of your worth. Keep of your family and friends to remind yourself all these people are rooting for you to succeed. Make yourself notes that congratulate yourself on handling a situation or completing a goal.

Learn from your mistakes as the old adage goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Acknowledge where you made your mistake and forgive yourself. That constant nagging guilt will ruin your self esteem.

Make the necessary means to rid the guilt, learn from your actions, and move on.

Think of mistakes as happy accidents or learning experiences.

How ever you choose to boost your self esteem, know that by doing so you approve of yourself as a person. Allowing issues to get you down will only lower your self esteem further.

By keeping a positive attitude, you will have the ability to turn around unsavory situations and make them positive ones. Keep in mind you are a worthy person who has a bright future.

Learn self-confidence and self esteem building tools and techniques from NLP and Hypnosis master. Get our free mini-course "Discover the TOP 5 secrets of EVERY highly successful Person to Achieve What You Want" today at

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Can A Subliminal Confidence Booster Help You?

By Jon Mercer

You might have heard about the scandal last year where Australian Channel Ten was caught flashing subliminal logos of different products during and award show. The Australian Communications and Media Authority are now looking into the case to see if any laws were broken by the channel. What's the big fuss? In most countries in the western world it is illegal to "attempt to use or involve a technique which attempts to convey information to the viewer by transmitting messages below or near the threshold of normal awareness."

So if there actually are laws preventing the use of subliminals in advertising and television programming, couldn't these same techniques be used as subliminal confidence boosters? I know the jury still seems to be out on this issue; some studies indicate that subliminal messaging works, others find no proof of this. But if the advertising industry spends millions of dollar every year on subliminal advertising and research, isn't it likely that there is something to this?

So how can this power be used as subliminal confidence building? We know affirmations work, but maybe there can be a more efficient way to go about them? Both affirmations and subliminals are basically just messages. Affirmations you tell yourself over and over, subliminals you are not aware of.

In addition to using affirmations and different exercises to build your confidence, you could use subliminals messages. For instance, have a subliminal confidence booster playing in the background when you are asleep. Or get a subliminal confidence mp3 that you can play on your ipod or in your car.

Subliminal confidence recordings also have the advantage that unlike regular affirmation or hypnosis recordings they can be used almost anywhere because it is really hard for someone listening to make out what is being said.

Anyone who has ever experienced low self esteem or self confidence knows how much it affects and worsens your life. Repeating affirmations to yourself and using hypnosis, either self hypnosis, a hypnotherapist or a hypnosis mp3, can definitely help your confidence, but if there are other options out there that can be just as or even more efficient, it's important to try them.
It just makes sense that using a subliminal confidence booster, alone or together with the affirmations and hypnosis, could give you even better results. It also saves you time. Even if you don't have time to listen to a hypnosis recording every day, you can put on your subliminal confidence booster when you go to bed and let your subconscious work on your problem while you are sleeping.

It definitely can't hurt to try a subliminal confidence program, and chances are it will really help you. Even if all the research is not in on this issue, nothing has been ruled out either. You really just need to follow the money; the advertising industries are practically running our world today, and if they are spending a lot of money and effort on this, chances are its highly effective.

Discover the Secrets to Building Subliminal Confidence

Breakthrough Program to Gain Confidence at the Deepest Subcounscious Levels!

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Improve Self Confidence - 10 Powerful Confidence Boosters

By Jeff Smith

If there is one underlying factor that prevents us from having the friends we want, getting the things we wish, attracting the partners we desire, impressing our peers, or achieving fulfillment and happiness it is low self-confidence.

It doesn't matter who you are, how successful you have been, we all have situations or times in our lives where we don't feel as confident or sure of ourselves. Sometimes we don't even fully realize it, but we get nervous, become quiet, or don't appear as strong and assured as we would like, for those times we have these 10 techniques to improve self confidence.

1. To improve self confidence, realize that you are not alone in your feelings of uncertainty. A good deal of low self confidence is directly related to irrational beliefs we have that others around us are somehow immortal and do not suffer from the same uncertainties we do. Begin with the understanding that we all experience lapses in our self confidence and that nobody else is 100% self assured.

2. When you hit a low point in your self confidence you often are worried about what other people will think. Who wants to look like a fool in front of someone they feel is very important? To counter this feeling, convince yourself that everyone else who you think is judging your every action and word is probably more messed up than you are! Seriously, we tend to drastically overestimate the importance and intelligence of other people. By thinking of others as mere mortals we can improve self confidence quickly.

3. Become smarter in the field you intend to play. A very good way to improve self confidence is to learn more than the others you want to impress, attract or interact with. Gaining specialized knowledge is a super way to lessen intimidation and increase overall self esteem.

4. Focus on what you are good at. When you see people that appear at the top of their game, completely self assured they often appear that way because they are extremely confident in certain areas of their lives and they stick to those areas. If you are stuck in a job where you have little skill and even less ambition, then yes, you will continually have low self confidence because you are not playing to an area of strength.

5. Have a purpose that drives you, gives your life meaning and offsets your uncertainty is one of the best ways to improve self confidence. Just like it is hard to laugh and cry at the same time, it's hard to be focused and on-purpose yet still have low self confidence.

6. Fake it until you make it. One of the most valuable courses I ever took in school was dramatic arts. That's right, learning to act. From that point on I knew that in situations where I had low self confidence at least I could fall back on "acting" my way out until I could improve self confidence.

7. Use visualizations to improve self confidence by running through positive scenarios in your mind just before or during periods where your self esteem is challenged. When your visualizations are positive enough and real enough you can make massive advances in your self confidence levels.

8. In times when you are not at your best, where your confidence is challenged, power your way through it. The worst thing you can do is give in to your fears as that just leads to even lower self esteem the next time around.

9. Pay attention to your inner dialog stopping yourself whenever you are turning negative or self-defeating thoughts over in your head. By substituting positive visualizations for negative self-talk you can instantly improve self confidence.

10. Get involved in activities that help build inner strength and improve self confidence. A good example is martial arts. With its focus on discipline, inner awareness and strength you can break through many of the personal limitations that were previously holding you back.

There are ways you can immediately improve self confidence in your life taking you to amazing levels of achievement, fulfillment and joy so stop suffering, take control and let your true potential finally shine through for all the world to see.

Discover The Greatest Formula For Building Total Self Confidence, Massive Motivation And Unstoppable Momentum In Your Life...No Matter Where You Are Today! Get It Here:

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Self Confidence: Learning to Have Faith and Trust in Yourself

By Rhonda Smith

Do you have faith and trust in yourself? Confidence is trust or faith that a person or thing is capable. Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. Therefore if you have faith and trust in yourself you have confidence. I am astonished at how many women I meet who struggle with self-confidence. There are many factors that can lead to a lack of confidence such as gender, birth order, and parent’s attitudes.

Did you know that boys are called on to answers teacher’s questions more often than girls? Do you know why? More boys raise their hands than girls. So naturally when the teacher sees 10 boys with hands up and only 2 girls, the teacher will pick a boy. Boys raise their hands even when they don’t know the answer. Girls raise their hands only when they know the answer and sometimes not even then.

First born children are usually more confident, particularly if they are male. Parents pay lots of attention to everything a first-born does, therefore creating more confidence.

If one or both of your parents were excessively critical, demanding or overprotective you may not have developed self-confidence.

So what if you are a woman, who was not the first born, with parents who were overly critical or protective? What if don’t have faith and trust in yourself? How can you build your confidence?
First recognize what self-confidence looks like. When you are self-confident you will:

Do what you believe is right, even if others mock or criticize you.

Be willing to take risks and go the extra mile to achieve better things.

Admit your mistakes and vow to learn from them.

Accept compliments graciously.

If you lack confidence you may:

Base your behavior on what other people think.

Stay in your comfort zone because you fear failure.

Cover up mistakes.

Dismiss compliments.

To build your confidence you must understand that it is like a muscle. There is no quick fix. Confidence must be warmed up, worked out, and stretched on a consistent basis to reach maximum potential and peak performance. Here are some steps to get you started:

Mentally prepare. Take stock of where you are, where you want to go, and commit yourself to starting it and staying with it. Look at what you have already achieved by writing out your 5 greatest accomplishments or finest moments. You may want to post this somewhere you can see it often. Give yourself credit for everything you try. By applauding yourself for trying you will build confidence. Approach new experiences as opportunities to learn regardless of the outcome. Listen to your self talk. Eliminate negative self-talk. If you have self-doubts, write them down and challenge them with rational solutions. Build your knowledge and/or skills by taking a class or course. Go get the degree or certificate that will prove your abilities to the world and yourself. Understand that you will make mistakes and you will not be perfect. Perfection is the antagonist of confidence. Set small goals (as steps to your bigger goals) and when you achieve them celebrate! Continue to stretch yourself by setting bigger goals. Hire a coach if you can’t do it on your own! Self-confidence is about balance. You know that negative outcomes are possible, but rather than exaggerating or minimizing it, you give it the due attention necessary (what can I do if this happens ...). So perhaps a better definition of confidence is the state of balanced perceptions and preparation.

And what will be the result of this new found confidence? Those around you will notice your confidence and you will inspire confidence in others. Perhaps Jack Welch said it best, "Confidence gives you courage and extends your reach. It lets you take greater risks and achieve far more than you ever thought possible!"

Rhonda H. Smith is a Professional Business and Life Coach. She works with women and small businesses to move beyond "Stuck" by nurturing and inspiring them to new paths of self-discovery, awareness and greatness. For more information please visit or

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