Friday, April 25, 2008

Developing Self Confidence

By Pete Connelly

How do we go from nought to ten in developing self confidence, is it possible, is it in a book, on a tape or even transferable from a friend. Well we probably will not go from zero to hero in one foul swoop but we can edge up from zero to midway in a relatively short time.

Self confidence and the development of it can, will and does come from within, those familiar with my previous articles will know that where I always start is between the ears.

Yes you got it, the mind, for things to change we have to change and it all starts with our minds. No I am not saying you can think yourself confident but like all problems we have to first take a look at where we are at now.

Having identified our current condition, we need to know where we are going, how we will measure our progress and the action required to develop our self confidence.

Please make a note of that, action required, I always lacked confidence in that I had not tried to do, in not trying it made me feel worse I started to feed my lack of self confidence. I was destroying from within, her is the great news I feel a few simple practices can start the climb back up the confidence ladder.

Before we precede you need to promise yourself you will be fare on you, you will not compare yourself with your super confident friend.

Confidence building steps, simple small action steps.

1. Always try to look your best; I am not talking latest designer wear but clean appearance, fresh. well groomed

2. Before leaving home look in the mirror, tell yourself some thing goods going to happen today for you.( don't scoff do it)

3. Walk a little quicker than normal, hold your head up and shoulders back.

4. Whatever it takes smile, say good morning with that smile.

5. Practice eye contact when speaking with others. These five small steps practised daily will produce progress along the path of developing self confidence; remember everyone has to start some where. I know that self confidence can be built through small meaningful steps, so try it and expose yourself to the risk as being described as someone with developing self confidence.

Peters is a leading motivational speaker and inspirational trainer.

His success is built on using 25 years of deep rooted fears and failures as stepping stones on a Journey from fear to faith which produced great results.... Today his deep passion and purpose is in helping others see themselves bigger than their current circumstances.

his website is a valuable resource to overcome fear and move forward with possibility thinking

Peter currently has a free download of the highly successful Think And Grow Rich available for a limited timegrab your copy today while its still free

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