By Peter Murphy
If you are struggling with how to have confidence in your life, you are not alone. Most people think that self-confidence is something that lucky people have, people who can do anything and everything.
Part of the problem with confidence is we think we have to have tons and tons of it and all the time. The reality is, that not everyone knows how to have confidence in all situations.
Self-confidence is really an attitude a person has, that allows them to have a positive view of themselves and the situations life may put them. People with a confident attitude are realistic. They trust in their own abilities and believe that they will be able to do most of what they want to do in life. They know they can’t do everything.
To look at how to have confidence you need to understand that the typical person is always going to have some areas in their life that they are more confident than others.
You can be very athletic and comfortably confident in your athletic abilities while not feeling confident when meeting new people. Chances are you are confident in more ways than you may realize. The key to discovering a realistic self-confidence is to remove some of the false beliefs you may have developed.
1. False Belief:
I believe that to be successful in life I have to be competent in all the important areas of life.
Realistic Belief:
I know that achievement-based thinking is not the true way to feel worthy. I get some satisfaction when I achieve things that I set out to do, but I know that failures have nothing to do with my personal worth. I was born worthy.
2. False Belief:
The past has shown me how to have confidence in myself or not. My past is my most important guidance-system.
Realistic Belief:
As we grow we don’t have the same vulnerabilities we did when we were young. You’ve gained some awareness on what you think should continue to influence you in life. You choose which areas of the past that you’ll allow to steer the present, but you don’t have to be a slave to the past.
3. False Belief:
Everybody knows that bad things happen more than good things. The good things I do can’t be given too much importance with all the bad. People remember the bad so I should, too. Maybe if I concentrate hard enough, I’ll have less bad results.
Realistic Belief:
I know that if I win 4 out of 5 times, that dwelling on the one time I lose and how terrible I feel is not a positive outlook. I know I can’t win all the time! It’s enough for me to do well at something most of the time.
I can use how good it feels to win next time things aren’t falling my way, because I know it’s only a temporary setback.
Learning how to have confidence has a lot to do with learning how to have a more realistic attitude towards life’s ups and downs.
Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. This report reveals the secret strategies all high achievers use to communicate with charm and impact. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
How to Have Confidence by Adopting a Realistic Attitude
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2:16 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Build Confidence
By Michael Teo
Confidence is the feeling that you are sure you can complete a complex or even dangerous task. Feeling confident means you are sure of your skills and ability to succeed in a given task. It is an internal determination of how sure you are of your skills. Lack of confidence means you are not sure that you can complete an activity successfully. Your confidence of being able to do something is based on your track record of succeeding in various similar tasks. The feeling of self-confidence is learned and can be passed from one task to another task.
People with low confidence level are people who are stressed out. They are so harsh and strict on themselves that they tend to bring their own self-confidence down without anyone else helping them to. So, the first thing you will need to do is to relax and de-stress in the evening after work or 3 times a week. Yoga is generally good; you can try that if you want. Self-hypnosis is fabulous too. But if you do not have a budget for all those fancy classes, switch on some relaxing music and just sit there, with your legs cross, concentrate of breathing. Focus on every single breath you take and feel the anger and the confusion disperse with every single breath you exhale.
One reason people are not confident after successfully completing a task or achieving a difficult goal is because they often do not acknowledge their achievement and may even demean what they have done. Another reason some people are not confident is they look at a task or a goal as a large entity. Success or failure is determined by the outcome that may come after days or months of toiling. Some people wontedly take on tasks that are way over their head, such that they are assured of failure. They do this to re-enforce their apparent lack of self-confidence.
The way to build confidence is to: Break tasks into smaller units; acknowledge your success for each step, and learn from your mistakes to re-enforce your confidence.
Break task into smaller steps: Before you set out to perform a task or try to achieve a goal, you must realize that the activity is in fact a series of smaller steps. This is a basic concept in any type of task planning. Thus, instead of waiting until the end to examine if you are successful, you have a series of successes, leading up to the finish.
Acknowledge success for each step: For each one of these steps, you must acknowledge your success. Congratulate yourself each time whenever you succeed. If you do not do well, correct your error. Take care about warning yourself, except in extreme cases.
Re-enforce overall confidence: This self-talk will re-enforce your acknowledgment of your abilities and increase your confidence as you go along on achieving the goal.
You can build your confidence by acknowledging your successes for each step along the way to achieve a goal. The self-congratulations will build and re-enforce your confidence along the way feeling like a champion.
Michael Teo is an expert on the Human Psychology and Behavior.
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1:41 PM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
Monday, June 30, 2008
How To Rebuild Your Self Confidence
By Kevin Sinclair
There are times in life when your self confidence will take a hard hit. Sometimes you are able to overcome life's challenges, while other times you simply feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, your confidence and courage will see you through. However, there are times when your self confidence will take a beating. Therefore, it is extremely important that you remember "Nobody can hurt you without your consent." The impact the problem has on you, is not nearly as important as the impact you allow the problem to create on you. In your life, it is inevitable you will feel pain, but suffering is definitely optional. Whether you choose to bounce back or endure the pain is purely a choice.
There can be a variety of different reasons why your self confidence may be hurt. Your circumstance may be that you have had a hard marriage and are now headed for divorce court. Or perhaps you did not make the college football team or may have even been laid off work. Undoubtedly, there is a lot of pain associated with any of these situations. However, you don't have to suffer. You can simply choose to resolve or rise above the problem and get back your confidence.
The following are some ways that can help rebuild your self confidence.
Look at the bright side of things.
If you have lost your job, give yourself permission to feel bad for a day or two. However, longer than that is not acceptable. Yes, losing a job is a horrible thing, but it is not the end of the world. In reality, losing your job may be a blessing in disguise. Time away from work may allow you to take a closer look at your life. You can take the time to review your likes and dislikes, as well as your hobbies. This may give you the opportunity to choose a new path in life, one that is more in sync with your aptitude and abilities. Similarly, a divorce may cause you a great deal of pain upfront. However, chances are you were not happy in your marriage. Now, you can begin to rebuild your life and live it the way you want to.
Don't compare yourself to others
Whenever a problem arises, we often ask God "Why me?" Chances are, God has given you quite a few rewards in your life. When you received the rewards did you ask God "Why me?" This is simply what human nature is all about. We often complain and only seek God when we are in trouble. It is important that you do not look at other people who may appear comfortable and happy from a distance. Stop comparing your suffering with their comfort. This will only make matters worse. Instead, try focusing the attention on yourself. Make a genuine effort to get out whenever you are feeling down.
Self pity can be very addicting and in turn, destroy lives. Instead of giving into self pity (although we all do this from time to time), take back control of your life. Own up to your actions and learn from any mistakes you have made. This will help you to obtain a fresh start. Don't let a "NO" get you down. A "NO" is something that everyone, including people like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford has had to face. If you look at it in the right light, you can see that a "NO" is actually just a step closer to a "YES". Reports show that before Edison was successful in producing an electric bulb, he conducted more than a thousand experiments that all failed. Therefore, take the "NO" in stride and keep going.
Are you keeping yourself from moving on?
Shadows form when we stand directly in the path of sunshine. In our lives, we too can cause shadows by standing directly in the way of our own happiness. In today's society, it is extremely important that we remain flexible. People will often search for months for the perfect job, while allowing others to slip away, simply because they are not willing to adapt to some new job skills. Jane, who was laid off from her job as a teacher, tried for several months to obtain another teaching job.
All the while, she was turning down jobs to work as a freelance copy-editor, a nanny position and even private tutoring positions. The extremely long wait took a further toll on her self confidence. Sometimes it is wise to be flexible and try to adapt to another job, rather than trying to find the perfect replacement. This will help to rebuild confidence, which can eventually lead to a better job, in the field of your choice.
Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.
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7:21 AM
Labels: Rebuilding Self Confidence
Sunday, June 29, 2008
How To Become More Confident - 10 Ways To Build Your Confidence
By Trevor Johnson
What is confidence, if not the difference between feeling like the sky's the limit and the world is out to get you? Having enough self-confidence can often be the "make or break" deal when it comes to securing a job, striking a business deal or even a matter as simple as asking someone out on a date. The key to successfully becoming more confident about yourself is how others perceive you through your own self-perception. Yes, this means, if you see yourself as an attractive, capable and energetic person, the others will see you the same way too.
Of course, there are many factors beyond your control in this world, but there are also many things that you can do on your own to give yourself more confident in preparation to go "get the gold". Follow these 10 tips for how to become more confident instantly, and you'll be able to face the world without worries.
Dress To Impress
No, it's not cliché. Your appearance matters most to you and if you feel unattractive or dowdy, you'll give out that perception to the world. Dress smartly, not just by concentrating on your clothes, but also by paying attention to proper grooming. If you can't afford to buy expensive clothes all the time, don't. Cut the buying in half, but spend twice as much as you would normally, to buy high-quality clothes. In the long run, this reduces your expenditure on clothes, because high-quality clothing lasts longer and give a better impression,.
Brisk Walking
People who are confident walk faster and more energetically, because they feel important enough to hurry from place to place. They have people to meet, places to go to and have generally have a full agenda. So, even if you are in no hurry, add a little sprint to your walk and you'll instantly feel very confident and purposeful.
Good Posture
Remember the days when our grandmothers would yell at us to "stand up straight and don't slouch"? Well, they had a good reason to do so. A person without any confidence can be spotted a mile away because of the way they carry themselves - never looking up, huddled and ambling along, it's quite apparent they don't see any importance in what they are doing.
Advertise Yourself
Not literally, of course. Record or write a small speech about your positive attributes and read it or listen to it whenever you feel down and low. It's a great way to give yourself some confidence boosting.
Focus On Gratitude
The more you think about what you don't have, the less confident you'll become. Instead, always focus on what you do have, the positive sides of your appearance, character and abilities. Feel gratitude towards what you've been given and able to achieve.
Compliment Other People
We tend to project our negative feelings towards ourselves through insulting others and gossiping about them. Refuse to engage in such time-wasting activity and instead, start complimenting everything good about any person. When you look for the best in others, you'll gradually be able to see the best in yourself too.
Go Right To The Front
Whether you are at a lecture, conference or even church, if you have the tendency to go sit at the back, you are afraid to be noticed. This is a baseless fear, so take courage and go right to the front of an assembly.
Speak Up
Hiding like a mouse while in open discussions? Don't; speak up, join in the conversation. Unlike your belief, you won't say anything stupid. Most people battle with this notion in fear of public speaking, but it has not real cause, because unless you speak up, your issues will never get resolved. Public speaking will always contribute to increasing your confidence.
Boost your energy by working out at least 3 times a week. It'll give you the energy and the "looking-good" confidence, so you can face the world with your head held high.
Contribute To Society
All too often, we as humans, are wallowing in self pity and desire. By concentrating on helping others and making a difference other people's lives, you have less time to think about your own self-perceived faults, which in turn helps to build confidence.
Get more help on how to build self confidence and watch your confidence levels skyrocket!
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7:18 AM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Rebuild Your Self Confidence
By Deepak K
Self confidence is mainly how you value yourself or how you see upon yourself. One can lose self confidence at any point in life, there by triggering a series of phases filled with depression. Lose of confidence also distracts you away from your life goals and may not make you feel that life is worth living any more. But you cannot give up at this crucial moment and you need to fight back the depression at all costs. It is little bit difficult to do but not impossible. So you have to start for ways to re build your confidence which get your life back on track. Low or no self confidence not only effects you for a little time but it can also be harmful for your mental and physical health. Even the smallest of challenges which all face in life will appear as big mountains to you.
Even before your low confidence begins to create damage, you need to look for help from wherever directions possible. Friends can be of great help in such situations. Also family members can play an important role too. But the main person who can help you is yourself! There are something which you can do to get out of this situation:
1. Do not show back to your fears. Face them. This one quality developed during this adversity will help in long way forever.
2. Do not hang on with failures... just let them go off your mind. But always learn from them so that you do not commit them again. Every one has had failures... you are not alone!
3. Talk to yourself... but only positive things. Such talks during such times can act as a relief from your daily boring or painful life.
4. Change your attitude. Start viewing things in different perspective. Develop a positive attitude about yourself.
5. Reward yourself when you get even a small success. this habit goes a long way to set up the base for further success in your life.
Thus create a plan for yourself to reach that ultimate peak of success you always aspired for!
Get all motivational tips at Deepak. K's Self Development Zone. Get all articles related to self improvement or self development at Self Development Zone and Self Improvement Zone.
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7:16 AM
Labels: Low Confidence, Low or High Self-Confidence, Low Self Confidence, Rebuilding Self Confidence
Friday, June 27, 2008
Building Self Confidence in Children - Good Approach to Kids Self Confidence
By Raymond Teh
This article describes building self confidence in children. Children are very sensitive for encouragement and learning progress. They need the support from adults or guardians from their environment to grow up well balanced. Therefore, it is very important to know that the adults or parents play an important role for building self confidence in children.
Provide children self confidence. It is important that children developed a positive image of their own. A positive image means that they are self confident, that they know their own limits and trusts their own abilities. People who are having a positive image have more fun in life. They can handle themselves in tough situations. So, it is the same situation for children, in order to start building self confidence in children, adults and parents should bring out the confidence in their kids. This feeling is not congenital. It's created by the environment of the kid. True verbal and not verbal messages are very important to give many kinds of great of signals to the child. He or she sets this in to feelings of being accepting new things and activities in their lives. These messages are some sorts of important and useful signal that been created and stored in the children subconscious mind.
Give the children the value that they deserved. The most important thing is that we accept them for the person that they are. Whatever the children done right, we shall provide them with great compliments and celebration as an encouragement to continue their successes. If the children done something that are not't really appropriate, then we have to give them great advices with right manner without yelling at them. We have let them to know that they are in the progress of learning and every mistake that they made eventually created another value for them for leaning another new thing. This will help for building self confidence in children.
Let children to be independent. Even it takes longer or if they making a mess, kids actually learn a lot more by trying out for them self's. Patience and confidence can do a lot. Give kids the time and space to tryout something new and learn from their mistakes. Provide them with helping and cares if they need it, and be proud if they achieved their goal. Our progress for building self confidence in children will be worthy if the kids get more learning possibilities. Kids learn this way to become more confident. Some example exercises that we can try are letting children to solve their puzzle games by themselves.
Always encourage kids to try out new things. By giving kids positive thoughts and advices they learn to improve their skills and behavior. They learn to expand beyond their limits higher that we cannot't ever imagine. When the children facing failure and feeling down, please step by their sides, bring them up again to solve the problems that they are facing. Let them understand that they are actually on stepping stone to success and they are the one who have the wills and powers to overcome the problems. Playing strategy boards games and scrabbles will provide them the opportunity to try on their own abilities. Hence, building self confidence in children can be a fun and learning process.
Give them the perfect role model. Kids learn a lot from adults. The way we and other adults deal with them will influence them a lot. We have to act as a role model to give them the right example.
We can start building self confidence in children now to start building their path to success.
Raymond Teh recommends website that full of free useful guide and interactive resources on Building self confidence in children can be reach at Personal Self Confidence
Visit the sites now to get your full resources on building and improving personal self confidence.
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7:15 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, Building Self Confidence in Children, Self Confidence in Children
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Unlock the Secrets of Your Psyche - Overcome Personality Disorders and Build Self-Confidence
By Christina Sponias
Perhaps you believe you know who you are and that you can control your behavior; or you may understand that you cannot control your behavior and that your personality is not stable.
In either case, I advise you to start paying attention to the dreams you see when you sleep. Take notes, interpret their meaning with the unique scientific method that exactly translates their messages and compare them, so that you may see who you really are and how you can actually control your behaviour.
If you have personality disorders and you are afraid you may never be able to feel strong and self-confident, don't lose hope, because the correct method of dream therapy is a real miracle! No matter how weak, depressed, confused or lost you are, this therapy will give you a new life and disposition.
In the beginning you are going to see all your mistakes and learn how to correct them, so that you may acquire psychical and physical health, since mind and body are strongly connected, and your physical problems are caused by mistakes in your judgment and behavior.
If you believe you are sensible and always will be, you may be surprised with what you are going to discover in the other side of your mind, where your wild self exists.
The wild part is always working against your human conscience and trying to destroy it through craziness. In order to protect your human side and develop all your capacities to the utmost, you need psychotherapy, even if you don't feel you have psychological problems. You do have them, but they are not perceived by your conscious mind. This is something you will understand only when you see how much of yourself never had the chance to develop because it belonged to the wild side of your conscience and was wasted there; and you'll realize it only after developing all your psychological functions.
If you have had many traumas, multiple personalities, or opposite personalities, interpreting your dreams will give you the chance to define your personality and evolve, free of the alterations in your character that make you behave strangely and lose control.
Dream therapy is indispensable for everyone and has no age restrictions. It is a protection for teens, a salvation for adults and the beginning of a new life for elderly people, who finally have the chance to complete their neglected personality.
This is the best and safest existing psychotherapy, since your doctor is the wise and saintly unconscious mind that gives you sensitivity, religiosity and philosophical questioning. It is that which produces your dreams in order to save your human side from the attacks of the violent anti-conscience, your primitive conscience, which is still alive inside you and tries to take your place and control your behavior, instead of being controlled by your conscious mind.
After transforming the dangerous wild conscience into a positive part of your human conscience, and after developing your personality and your capacities, you will be really strong and self-confident, and will be really able to control your behavior and define who you are.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Learn more at: and
Click below to download your copy of the Free ebookBeating Depression and Craziness
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7:12 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Self-Confidence Hypnosis Training
By David Marrow
Self-confidence hypnosis training programs are used by some of the world's successful business leaders and athletes. They help you visualize success and achieve things that you would not normally be obtainable. They help shy people become great public speakers and nerdy kids pick up girls. You mind is simply a matter of perception, and hypnosis training allows you to change the perception of yourself deep within your subconscious mind.
With a self-confidence hypnosis training program you will feel on top of the world. It's amazing that when you exude confidence how people all of a sudden are attracted to you. They want to work with you, get to know you better, and secretly they want to be you. Someone who is confident appears as if they know all the answers, is always happy, and lives a perfectly, comfortable life. Who wouldn't wan to be that person?
But it all starts with changing your self image by reprogramming your mind. With just a couple easy strategies for a few minutes a day, you can effectively change how you think about yourself. And when you start to think differently, you body and mind automatically acts differently.
Think about a day you had in the past where you just felt really, really good. Didn't it seem like everyone smiled at you and everything just cam easy? That could be you every single day. All you have to do is use some very elementary hypnosis and simply filter out the bad self-images and replace them with positive self images. This can be done while you are getting reading in the morning in the shower and when you are brushing your teeth.
By using positive self affirmations and visualizing what you will look like, feel like and act like when as a confident person, your mind takes over and starts acting in those manners. With regular self-confidence hypnosis training, in stead of thinking "what would it be like," you automatically start acting exactly how you have visualized the future as being.
The great thing about confidence hypnosis is that it doesn't take any time out of your day. Once you learn exactly how to do it, when to do it, and the language to use, very little effort is needed on your part for it to be effective. As a result of being more confident you'll be more successful, meet more people, have better relationships and be more creative. All by just simply reprogramming your mind while you are brushing your teeth in the morning.
Learn how you can use confidence hypnosis to improve your self esteem and success. Find out how to hypnotize by visiting
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7:09 AM
Labels: Confidence Hypnosis, Self-Confidence Hypnosis Training
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fear - A common Motivator for Self Confidence
By Abe Cherian
If you are like most people, you are often confronted with fears that hold you back - consciously or subconsciously. Although you weren't born with them, you are under the strong influence of the environment that implanted them. You might even be tempted to think that worry and fear as the primary base from which your actions stem.
Salespeople know of this powerful influence. People buy truckloads of insurance in preparation for some disaster that "might" happen. "It is better to be safe than sorry." Do you have an extra set of keys (or two) for your house or car? Do you buy food, drinks or even pills that will help you improve your complexion or lose unwanted weight?
Whether it is a fear of losing something good, or getting something bad, fear is a driving force that is always there. Why does someone behave rudely or arrogantly? Because he or she is afraid of losing their "feeling of" authoritative power, which would destroy or undermine his or her position in society.
You already know where jealousy stems from - out of fear for you, wanting or losing something you think you cannot have or the fear that someone else will get what you feel "belongs to you." New situations in life force you to confront a new set of fears. You may even comfort yourself by saying it isn't so bad. Have you ever made a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment or a hairstyling appointment only to arrive in the respective waiting area with no pain or the best hair day you've had in a long time? Now you want to go home.
Fear is a powerful motivator. Some of the more common fears are:
1. Fear of the Unknown
2. Fear of Failure and Rejection
3. Fear of Loss (losing what you have)
4. Fear of Facing Reality
5. Fear of Disapproval
You have to deal with all of these fears if you want to succeed. You cannot deny them or banish them to your subconscious, as that will only add fuel to a fire that will probably and suddenly burst out beyond your control.
Like fires, fears are easiest to squelch when they are still small. Confront your fears and banish them forever. Start with- "The Fear of the Unknown." There isn't a person alive that isn't apprehensive, nervous or even fearful of entering new territory, wandering into the great unknown. What will it hold? How will it change you? Will you be able to handle the situation or complete the task? Will you know what to do and have the ability to do it? Will you be laughed at? Will it be worth it? One way of confronting the unknown is to recognize that without action you will never escape mediocrity.
The primary difference between people who fulfill their dreams and those that don't is action - the former move from words to action, the latter never get beyond the words. Ask yourself: What could I lose if I begin to act? Answer frankly. Typical answers are time, pride and so on. You should note that these answers are merely superficial. What could I gain? An experience that will, without a doubt, make you richer (maybe financially) and one that will bring you closer, above all, to success.
You shouldn't forget that it is self-confidence, overcoming your fears and changing your habits or undesirable attributes (like transforming yourself from timid to outgoing) that bring you a step closer to attaining your desires.
Abe Cherian is the founder of Multiple Stream Media, a company that helps online usinesses find new prospects and clients, who are anxious to grow their business fast, and without spending a fortune in marketing and automation.
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7:07 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, Destroying Fear
Monday, June 23, 2008
7 Tips To Improve Your Self Confidence
By Anu Radha
Why do you think certain people achieve and certain don't in their lives? Self confidence and self esteem plays a vital role in our lives. People who have high level of self confidence and self esteem succeed in all their endeavors when compared to one who has low level of self esteem. This is because self-esteemed people try out new things and have the confidence to confront challenges in their life. They are not afraid when a tough task comes their way. They see how to overcome it and not sit and cry.
For those who lack in self esteem, follow these tips and improve your life for the better:
1) Try to complement yourself when a job is well done. Don't wait for others to complement you. When you know what you have done is right, why wait for others to say good about you? Even if others do not praise you, make it a habit to praise others when they do something really good.
2) Wear a smile on your face always. Warm smile can do wonders. Even if you do not apply make-up, your smile will make you look good. When you have an appealing smile on your face, it not only attracts others but also boosts your self confidence.
3) Try to do new things every day. It can be anything like learning a new dish or learning the meaning for a new word or changing your hair-do, etc. Enjoy what you do and your self confidence is automatically increased.
4) Keep the place clean. Lot of clutter around you can make you feel low. When you are organized, your thoughts too are organized. If you feel your house is too clumsy, try to clean it. Ensure to clear up anything that is not clean or tidy. It can be your house, car or workplace. Make sure to clear out all cobwebs from your life. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself that this day is going to be good for you.
5) Always try to move with people who have positive thinking. People with negative thoughts tend to ruin your life. Why take the chance of being with people who try to ditch you. Get away from them. Move with people who think, talk and act positively. They are the ones who will help you increase your self confidence and self esteem. You can find the change in yourself within a few days of you joining the gang of positive people.
6) Try to hear to pleasing music at least 15-20 minutes a day. Music really spices up your day.
7) Analyze your skills and see what things you are good at. Try to expertise your skills. Say for example, you are good at painting, look for the ways you can improve your painting skills.
What defines the way you think and act depends on the level of self confidence and self esteem. Follow these easy steps and boost your self confidence and self esteem.
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7:02 AM
Labels: Improving Self Confidence
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Self Confidence and Esteem - 5 Crucial Steps
By Arran Pullen
Loving and accepting ourselves is critical in experiencing joy, happiness, and success in life.
When you really love yourself and you really love other people, you find that life flows, and no matter what happens you always find a way to enjoy yourself and feel fulfilled.
You MUST love yourself completely.
This determines your STANDARDS for what you are willing to accept or settle for and;
· How much money you feel you deserve to earn or feel you can make
· How well you treat your body and your health
· Your belief in whether you can achieve your goals
· How much others respect you and how they treat you
· Whether people like you and want to be around you.
People love being around confident people. They radiate a positive energy. You feel safe around them.
People who lack in confidence often get 'stuck'. So you see, your entire destiny is shaped by your degree of confidence.
So how is it we end up with low self esteem or lacking in confidence?
The answer is we choose to.
You choose to believe you 'can't do this' or 'I am not good enough to have that'.
If the parent of a child suffers from low self esteem and lack in confidence, it is very likely the child will grow up with the same behaviour patterns because they have learnt from them. Some may say 'but I always tell my child how great they are and show them we love them'. The thing is, it's like when you tell a child not to smoke when you are a chain smoker.
As a child we learn from making mistakes but years and years of reprimanding and verbal /physical abuse can also lead to low confidence and esteem. A parents attempt to control a child's behavour through physical punishment can also lead to the child growing up fearful of trying something new, just in case it is a mistake.
Your beliefs are established at a young age, where we try to avoid being rejected by our friends or told off by our peers. When young children begin to think 'there's something wrong with me' because they are exploring and making mistakes and being constantly reprimanded the first beliefs begin to take shape.
The truth is, despite what magazines, and T.V try to say (in making you like every one else) you can be individual and self confident. You can learn to live life with a passion and fulfill your dreams.
Before you can change things you need to be aware of what things in your life you want to change and what you no longer wish to put up with. Make a pact with yourself and begin by following these steps, so that when you take control of your life anything is within your reach.
Self Analysis
Take 1/2hour out of your day and complete this exercise.
Buy a notebook and:
· Write down everything you are not happy with.
· Write down how you can change this.
· Write down specifically everything you want in your life(goals)
· What situations make you feel the most angry and frustrated
· What do you fear most in your life today? What would it mean if this came true?
· List 5 fears you hold currently hold.
Finish these sentences
'I like myself least when I ..........
'I like myself most when I..........
Now Take Responsibility
Do you have a problem?... Go on face up to it head on and admit you have it.
Like it or not, what ever exists in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly is there because of you. FACT
Through your beliefs, thoughts, choices and actions the situation has come about. (Please never feel like a victim: it is disempowering and will not serve you well) Blaming someone else or relying on them to change their behaviour takes control out of your hands. And where do we want it...yes that right in yours hands.
The good news is... because you made the situation you can get shot of it as well.
When you take responsibility (your choice) and resolve an issue, you also raise your self esteem and confidence. Take one step at a time and gradually move ahead with the things you want to change. Instead of spending 80% of your time focusing on the problem, turn it around and focus 80% on the solution and 20% of the time on the challenge (problem).
Forget the past and focus on the future.
I know it sounds corny but don't wallow in the guilt or pain of yesterday/year. You can't change it; all you can do is admit it and take responsibility for it. Once you've done that leave it there because it no longer serves you anymore. To stop holding on to the past try this exercise and remember that when doing something that hurts you, is often the point if when you're growing the most.
How to lose your dirty laundry:
· Write down 5 reasons you behaved as you did. Understanding ourselves prevents us repeating the action.
· If you hurt someone and you can still talk to them, acknowledge your behaviour and the consequences of your actions.(take action and feel your self respect grow)
· Take action to minimize the harm you caused to them. Tell the truth to yourself.
· Write down who has wronged you in the past
· Write down with whom you need to 'finalize' with. Make a list
· Write down who you have wronged in the past
· Write them a letter. Tell them how you feel about it now and what was going on in your life at the time.
I know it sounds a really tough job to do, but isn't it better to finish this guilt and self limiting thoughts once and for all?
You will see finalizing the past will give you a massive sense of pride and power.You have empowered your LIFE!! The bags you have been carrying from one relationship/situation to another have been laid down!
Move on, FORGIVE yourself. Forgiveness is the key which will help us be happy and content in life. Forgive the past and embrace the future, where you can make a difference.
Only you can decide if you are ready to change, though please remember we come this way but once and...
"The only failure in life is the failure to participate".
Arran Pullen I provide an expert coaching service specializing in personal and career changes. Explore what is holding you back from embracing change and develop techniques that will serve you in building stronger relationships and confidence.Visit the above link and find out more about my complimentary taster coaching sessions or download my Free Report on 'How to supercharge your business'
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7:00 AM
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Lose Weight Fast - Build Self-Confidence & Develop Self-esteem to Help You Lose Weight Fast
By J Michael Brown
There's an easy way to lose weight fast, and that's to build self-confidence & develop self-esteem. you are probably wondering, "How can it be easy?" There are actually self-help skills, whcih are based on an ancient document, that work. The confidence-building methods helped me lose weight fast, and so they could do the same for you.
I'll tell you about it in this commentary, but first let's talk about packing on the pounds.
We often get too busy with day-to-day tasks to fit in a few minutes for exercise. We don't do enough, in those mundane chores, to burn all the excess calories we get from fast food, and junk food, that we eat.
It's just so much easier to stop by the burger-barn than it is to make a good & wholesome meal choices, which are low in calories. Besides that, who wants to exercise when you can kick your feet up and watch TV?
So we don't burn the calories that we need to use, and; you guessed it, we gain weight. Our hips and thighs get fat; and our bellies pop out to make it look like we drink a whole lot of beer.
One day we start thinking about health risk; like diabetes and heart disease, which are associated with obesity. So we decide to go on a diet to try to lose weight fast.
But our willpower melts, and we get back into the same old rut; but it's even worse than that. We start feeling guilty because we cheated on our diet, which leads to eating more "comfort food;" like ice cream and cake.
And guess what. We get fatter than before we started our diets.
I have good news for you. There really is an easy way to lose weight fast without the guilt associate with dieting.
Build Self-confidence & Develop Self-esteem to Lose Weight Fast with Self-help Skills
Now let's talk about self-help skills that have confidence-building methods to develop self-esteem and build self-confidence, which are bases on Aristotle Ethics, that can help you lose weight fast.
The methods I'm speaking of are Easy-to-do; and they really do work. They will help you build self-confidence to develop self-esteem, which in turn will make it easier for you to lose weight fast.
I know it works because I got pretty fat; and I lost over 10 pounds a month for 6 months. Not only that, but I've kept it off without dieting or going to the gym.
The Aristotle Ethics' confidence-building system is designed for you to change your thoughts on the subconscious level, so making the right diet choices is easier. That's because you will be using the Power of your subconscious mind without really having to think about it all the time; like you do with dieting.
Self-help Skills of Confidence-building
The confidence-building routine, which are self-help skills, make it easier to subconsciously make the right choices.
And they are so Easy-to-do that; well, you can actually perform the self-help skills while you are in your underwear & relaxing in a Lazy-boy; or even while you are reclining on your bed.
It can help you overcome the temptation to take shortcuts, which could be unhealthy--Or even dangerous, and could actually cost you your life, over time.
You don't want to get hooked on a fad diet to lose weight fast, because of the associated guilt factor. Many times dieting will encourage you to continue to make unhealthy choices.
Use the Power of your subconscious mind to lose weight fast. Develop that Power of your subconscious mind. Use use a formula of self-help skills, which is rooted in Aristotle Ethics; if you really want to lose weight fast and keep it off.
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6:59 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
Friday, June 20, 2008
How to Awaken Your Inner Confidence
By Annie Kaszina
Do you know how it feels to wear uncomfortable shoes? Maybe you have dressed up for an occasion, gone to the trouble of really grooming yourself. You put on clothes that make you feel good. If you're a woman you will have gone to trouble over your hair and make up.
And then the shoes... Ah ,the shoes. You've chosen the shoes that best grace your outfit and support the look you want to project. But here's the thing; most stylish shoes that make a statement aren't ... well, comfortable.
"Nobody ever said they were meant to be comfortable" you might object. Of course you would be absolutely right. It wasn't comfort that was uppermost in your mind when you chose them. Still when it comes down to standing and sitting in them for hours, you can't help but notice that they aren't comfortable. They may rub, pinch, hurt... or all three. And however enjoyable the occasion, you can't help noticing the nagging complaints from your poor feet....
Lack of confidence is a lot like that. It's the kind of nagging pain that can percolate through to the forefront of your mind, whatever you happen to be doing, wherever you happen to be. It's caused by old constricting beliefs that you have actually outgrown.
When people talk about wanting to have confidence, they are making the assumption that they need to acquire something that they don't already have in order to function properly. "I would be able to do this, that and the other easily, if only I had confidence."
It's almost as if they are doing a curious kind of mental arithmetic in their head, that goes something like this: "In order to behave like X does in this situation, I would need 5 lbs, 20 lbs, or half a ton of confidence." The problem is: how do you come by confidence in industrial quantities?
I'd argue that you don't. You actually don't need to. It's not as if you could anyway. Not until you get rid of the old constraints that stand in the way.
Now there are a couple of interesting things about old beliefs:
First: people don't recognize them as beliefs; they mistake them for fact, because once upon a time, usually back in the dim and distant days of childhood, they were taught those limiting beliefs as fact.
Second: they don't think that they can ever shed that old programming.
There is an old story about how to train an elephant; maybe you have heard it, maybe you have not. It is a tale that bears retelling, I believe.
The first step in training an elephant is to make it believe it can't run away. Get your elephant - preferably a baby one - and tie it to a strong steel stake in the ground, in the same way as you would tie a horse to a hitching post. The baby elephant will try to break free, but it won't have the strength to do so. Eventually, it will give up and stop trying to escape from the rope and the stake that limit its range.
Once the young elephant has learned that it cannot pull the stake from the ground, you can replace the strong stake with a smaller wooden one, even though this smaller wooden one doesn't have enough strength to restrain the adult elephant.
An elephant trained in infancy to believe that the stake is strong and won't budge is ultimately fettered by belief. It won't attempt to break loose and run away--even after it has grown strong enough to pull almost any stake out of the ground, because, early on, it learned two things:
· It wasn't as strong as the stake
· It's futile to question what you know to be so.
Have you ever had cause to change your beliefs? Have you ever discovered that the beliefs you once held were no longer true? I bet you did. You stopped believing in Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy, the inevitable triumph of Good over Evil and many, many more things besides. You changed friends, partners, jobs, maybe your view of your parents. Too many things to mention. Things happened and your beliefs changed.
Old beliefs about lack of confidence are actually like uncomfortable shoes: you can remove them at will. And then what happens? Your feet and you start to luxuriate. Well, yes. Provided you only wore those shoes for a day or two. But what happens if, like most women, you have made a habit of wearing uncomfortable shoes for years? Then you deform your feet. Your feet end up shoe-shaped, rather than your shoes becoming foot-shaped.
In that case it case, it can take years, at the very least, for your feet to return to an approximation of their original shape. And, of course, you may find it awkward to walk in more 'anatomically correct' shoes, because you are not used to them.
Are you 'getting' the parallel? Somewhere along the line, maybe in childhood, maybe later, something happened to make you feel acutely awkward. It may only have happened once. It may have happened repeatedly. But at that time in your life it exercised considerable power over you to make you feel small. It still does.
No matter that years have passed. No matter that it is not how the way the world sees you. No matter that that is not how you conduct yourself these days. You are still firmly tethered to a small, fragile stake in the ground by old beliefs.
What is the most constant thing about you, given that you are forever renewing your entire body at the cellular level? Most likely it is your beliefs; specifically those sad, outmoded beliefs about you not being X enough or Y enough, and needing more confidence before you can feel good about yourself and behave the way you would really like to behave.
The uniqueness of human beings lies in our capacity to think about and change behaviours that are no longer serving us. In Dogs Never Lie About Love" Geoffrey Masson recounts how dogs do not have that capacity. If they become trapped in a place, they will keep trying the same escape route until they exhaust themselves. They will not explore what other possibilities there are. This limited thinking can prove fatal.
Isn't it great that we humans have all the resources we need to think differently and do things differently. Provided we use them.
So how does this relate to growing your confidence? Simple really. Start testing the stake. Why not start taking tiny risks, the ones you would usually tell yourself you dare not take. See whether anything terrible happens when you do so. Trust me, it won't.
I've worked for years with clients who expect the sky to fall down on their head because they took a small, new initiative. It didn't. But it did grow their confidence to take the next step and the next. Do you know, they didn't even notice when the stake came out of the ground altogether. They were too busy focusing on the direction in which they were heading. They were enjoying themselves too much.
That can be you. Only take that tiny, first step and get ready to enjoy the journey. If you really don't feel ready to take that step on your own, then engage an expert to walk alongside you the first few steps of the way. It's always ok to get help when you are learning a new skill. Successful people in all walks of life have teachers, mentors, role models. Get yourself one - and look forward to the day when you can 'pay it forward' by doing the same for other people who are struggling right where you are now.
(C) 2008 Annie Kaszina
Dr Annie Kaszina Ph D. is an Effective Communications Coach who works with people who are ready to create great results and attract into their life the things they truly desire. Annie is the author of: "Say No With Confidence" ( ), the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to stop people pleasing and start owning your own power.
To find out more go to You can email Annie at:
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6:57 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, Inner Confidence
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Kung Fu Panda Teaches Self Confidence
By Susan P Denny
Kung Fu Panda makes some great common sense points about self confidence. Po the Panda, is a martial arts geek. He wants to be a Kung Fu legend, but he is too roly poly and uncoordinated. Then he accidentally becomes anointed as the famous Dragon Warrior. This turn of events helps him learn that warriors believe in, and take responsibility for themselves.
When he is first given the coveted dragon scroll, he is dismayed to realize that it has no writing, only a reflective surface. It takes Po a while, but then he gets it. All he has is himself. Armed with this insight, and the confidence gained from training with the master Shifu, Po battles the evil Tai Lung and triumphs. If the story line sounds like an entertaining, animated kid's movie, that's because it is - albeit one with a moral.
Po's story of failure to triumph highlights all three characteristics of self confident people. Po, the Kung Fu Panda, learns to be optimistic and to believe in himself and his abilities. He also faces his personal fears, and triumphs over them, allowing him to triumph over Tai Lung. Finally, he surrounds himself with positive people - the furious five: Tigress, Viper, Monkey, Crane and Mantis; along with enlisting the Shifu as a mentor.
Isn't it amazing how one animated children's movie, can send such a strong message to our younger generation. The importance of self confidence to success shines through the movie brilliantly.
The common sense point here is simple, and timeless. You have to believe in yourself, and take responsibility for yourself if you want to succeed in your career and life. Kung Fu Panda makes this point in a very entertaining manner.
Susan Denny has been happily married for 38 years, has 4 adult children (all married) and 6 grandchildren. She has many years experience with families and relationships and has been involved in the Self Development industry for nearly 20 years, starting with one-on- one training with Bob Proctor in 1990. She has since attended many seminars hosted by world renowned Gurus in the Self Development and Internet Marketing areas.
Go to: to check out her site.
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6:15 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Building Self Confidence - Know Your Net Worth!
By Akhil Shahani
Self confidence is simply an external manifestation of your perception of self worth. If you have faith in your abilities, it shows. Building self confidence will not only improve your outlook about yourself, you will also feel more positive about the world around you. Confident people make better entrepreneurs - since they have an unshakable faith that they can put things right, they are willing to risk being wrong at times. And that's what entrepreneurship is all about, isn't it?
If you've looked wistfully at all those beautiful, successful people who radiate an aura of confidence, despair not! Building self confidence is very much a "learnable" process; our guess is that most of those people you admire have gone down that road earlier. Here are some pointers.
Set goals. You can't go about building self confidence in a vacuum, that's for sure. Try to define what confidence means to you; be as specific as possible, even assign a measure to it. For example, do you lack the confidence to make an impromptu speech in public, or handling a troublemaking employee? Putting your finger on it is half the battle won. Now, you can set specific performance goals and measure your achievement against them. As your performance improves, self confidence will soar.
Just chill. You may find this hard to swallow, but staying cool and unfrazzled is the first rung on the self confidence ladder. If you don't let a sticky situation get on top of you, you're already learning to handle uncertainty! Once you make your peace with that, you'll be able to deal much better with any adverse consequences.
Don't beat yourself blue. Modesty may be all the rage, but self criticism is another ball game altogether - one that you are destined to lose! Don't be harder on yourself than necessary and stay objective at all times. It's much more productive to recognize your mistakes for what they were, learn from them and move on.
Forget the rest... the biggest impediment to building self confidence is to be dogged by worries of what the world thinks of you. We hate to disillusion you, but most of the time, other people are not thinking about you - they are so busy thinking of themselves. And you know something, your lack self confidence is a lot less apparent to others than it is to yourself!
Recall the good. Even the most self assured people have their off days. When you're feeling particularly low, make an effort to snap out of it. Think of things that gave you pleasure, like a game you won, or a business goal that you achieved. We're not saying you have to rest on your laurels, but sometimes remembering past achievements will give you the self belief to tackle future ones.
Finally, base your self worth on realistic expectations, respect your abilities and persevere tirelessly. Building self confidence is a deliberate process, and experts can help your initiation. You'll feature on other people's admiration lists in no time!
Hi, I'm Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed.If you like to work smart, check out It's full of articles and resources to help you start and grow your business successfully. Please visit us & download our special "Freebie of The Month" at
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6:14 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Real Value Of Self Confidence For Our Lives
By Stephen Campbell
There are a number of things that are going to affect the way that you develop self-confidence. You will find it to be difficult to live without having a certain level of self confidence in your life. There are issues that we face with all the time that will find if we are living up to our full capacity of life. We want to make sure that we have the intensity of self-confidence that we need to get through the things that make life more ideal.
Having self confidence is essential because it avoids some common problem of people with low self confidence-- social anxiety disorder. We have to make sure that we are using the right option for our lives-- to achieve high level of self confidence and self-esteem. We need to keep a ideal perspective on life and what is necessary to live happy and healthy. In order to be successful in life, we have to make sure that we have a good level of self-confidence in everything that we do.
There are numbers of component-factors that we need to self-confidence good development. We need to have a positive attitude about life. It is essential that we think about how we feel about ourselves and how we treat people around us, as well. We need to have a strong starting foundation so that we have good feelings about things that we perform. It is not good to be too demanding or overprotective of our emotions. We need to make it certain that we are realistic to how we feel and able to express it well towards others.
We need to have realistic expectations so that we will not be too stressed out about our self-confidence levels. We have to think about what we desire from life and see to it that we are setting good goals for you. We should not set our sights too high because this will lead up to pain and disappointment in life in case of failure. We have to stand firm and powerful so that we can have what we want from life but not too assertive because it could lead to problems and mistakes.
It is significant to feel good about who we are and how we are doing things-- are we doing it for good or not? We want to think clearly and have a positive outlook on life. When we think about the things that are most essential to us, we should try and remember how significant it is to keep our sights on the good things in life.
When we are positive in the way that we treat other people, we will find it easier to live a good and more self-confident life.
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About the Author: To read more,visit
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1:25 PM
Labels: Developing Self Confidence
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Becoming A Man Of Great Self Confidence
By Stephen Campbell
Men have to have their self-confidence in order that they are feeling their best in life. They will want to be certain that their self-confidence is great so that they will achieve things in life that they think they need to achieve. When men are not happy with their self-confidence, they may find it hard to go on being happy. Having all the self confidence in the world is very essential.
Oftentimes, men with good self confidence will be ready to face one of the world's toughest challenges-- social anxiety disorder. Good Self esteem and self confidence make them feel like they are superior and able to do anything that they desire to do. When men are feeling their best, they will be able to do and accomplish tasks more than he would ever think. Boosting self confidence is a positive attitude that everyone should posses Working hard to achieve this goal in your life is significant.
To be a man of self confidence, one must be willing to modify things in their life that are important to be developed. This may mean they have to modify something about the way they are on the inside and sometimes on the outside also. This can be just about any matter that will make them feel better. In some cases, men will change the way they use outfits. This may mean that they will wear a certain suit, new pair of jeans, or a great pair of shoes.
When a man is ready to get their man of good self confidence they will want to make sure that they do some changes on the inside as well. Changing the way that a man thinks about things will be a great avenue to make a great difference in their self confidence. They may decide to think a little more before they decide on certain things. This can give them respect from other individuals as well. Anything that will make a man feel good about who they are and what they are doing in life will be a n ideal example of ways to help them in boosting self confidence.
With men, they will want to look like they are strong and able to manage just about anything. It is essential for a man to feel like they are loved and needed in the eyes of somebody else. This will be a way that they can get man of self confidence so that they are feeling their best each day no matter what they are doing.
To be a better man means, one should have positive outlook in life fueled by good self confidence.
Article Tags: Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Social Anxiety Disorder
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About the Author: To read more,visit
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1:22 PM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, Developing Self Confidence, Great Self Confidence
Friday, June 6, 2008
Some Ways To Develop Self Confidence
By Stephen Campbell
There are a couple things that you can do for yourself that will improve your your self-esteem and self-confidence. There are a few different methods that you can make your life better and go better for you when you work hard at improving your self-confidence. You will want to see to it that you are able to get to make your life the best that you can so that you are living the full life that you deserve. Remember, having a good self confidence can stay you away from social anxiety disorder that some of people are having.
A well-developed self self-confidence can be something from the smallest thing to the largest change in your life. For a lot of individuals, they will only need something small to improve self-confidence that they have in their life. They will want to make sure that they acquire what they need and when they need it.
You can modify some of your outside appearance to develop self confidence that you have in your life. You may do something for yourself that will make you feel better. You can modify your hair color, your haircut, get a new outfit or you can wear a different color of lipstick to work. No matter how big or small the modification is, you will feel different and this may be what you need to enhance your self-confidence.
Also,you can do some things to help your self-confidence on the inner aspects. You may desire to do something for yourself that will make you feel good. You can read a great book that will stimulate your mind or take a hot bath with some new bath salts, have a great cup of tea and use some great body lotion or you can buy a new bottle of perfume-- these are some things that you can do in developing your self confidence..
Determine what you think is best for you at the time and go for it. If you think that you are in need of some tome and pampering in your life, you should do it. You need to make sure that you are feeling your best at all times so that you are able to have a good self esteem and develop your self confidence. If you think that you need some time to yourself or a vacation from the rest of the world, you need to do it. This is essential to your mental health and you have to give time for yourself.
Article Tags: Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Social Anxiety Disorder
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About the Author: To read more,visit
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1:20 PM
Labels: Developing Self Confidence
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Develop Self Confidence, Achieve Better Quality Of Life
By Stephen Campbell
When you want to feel your best, you will want to make sure that you have the needed self confidence in order to make it happen. You want to make sure that you have a positive attitude within you so that you are making it easier to have good self confidence so that you can be more successful and happier in your life.
Yes, self confidence is very much important because it will help you to face people ideally. Good self esteem and self confidence make you away from social anxiety disorder. Thus, you have better opportunity to succeed in the social and corporate world. That is the reason why many are striving to improve their self confidence. So, how can you develop an attitude to have good self confidence?
Well, you need to keep smiling and let yourself to have a positive attitude in life. When you are looking at things with the lighter side, you will find it easier to have more self confidence so that you are able to achieve more success with the things that you do. You want to see to it that you are giving it your all so that you are able to make sure that you are performing your best.
Getting a good self esteem is not something that will come naturally for many individuals. You will want to make sure that you are able to give your best that you can do for every situation that you are in. You want to make sure that you are able to give your best and to have as much self confidence that you can in life to achieve its many benefits.
Remember who you are and what your personality is, then try to develop the area that you think you are weak because when you are able to develop those areas, you will gain more self confidence. Once you find your inner being and how you are feeling in life, you will want to make the decision to take life in a manner that is beneficial to you as a person and as a social individual. You will build your self-confidence levels and make every life situation to its optimum potential. You will have a better time getting what you desire in life and living up to all the expectations that you can.
Self confidence takes a very vital role in our life. The quality of our daily living greatly depends on the level of self conditions we have to do things and to face our social challenges.
Article Tags: Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Social Anxiety Disorder
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About the Author: To read more,visit
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1:21 PM
Labels: Developing Self Confidence
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Build Up Self Confidence - How To Quickly Build Self Confidence
By Raymond Teh
As an ordinary human being, we are not always to be right and perfect. Therefore we shall build up our self confidence now to cope with all of the obstacles that we might face later. But we need to have positive attitude towards building our self confidence because instead focusing on those negative thought such as fear and worry will only make us lack of energy and spirit to face the challenge ahead. Hence, attitude is the most important assets that we need to have in order to improve your self confidence.
If you have the intentions of creating more self confidence, you could be able to achieve great result in many areas such as financially, healthy and of course wealthy. Following are the some of the basic but important steps and habit that we need to build up in order to build up self confidence.
Understand ourselves, communicate with ourselves. It looks silly but it really helps. All of us have a subconscious mind within us, whether we know it or not, this subconscious mind is very powerful that it acts like a computer programming our daily activities, feelings within ourselves. Whatever we see, feel and touch along the day will be programmed into the subconscious mind. So it is very important that we need to install positive attitude into our mind, because we are the one to decide which part of our lives should be in our memory.
So if we choose to remember and use those negative thoughts along the day, our mind will eventually discourage us to be more self confident for ourselves. We need to hear the positive messages as they will build up self confidence today and raise our self esteem and confidence. Take control. Use our inner thoughts to talk to ourselves in a positive manner, as often as we can.
As an example one of my regular sayings is "I like myself, I like myself, I like myself". I just repeat it for a couple of minutes. It sounds silly again, but does help to build up your self confidence today - Try it.
Increase your self esteem even more by appreciate of what you have tight now. Treasure the things that happened in your life so far. Say "thank you" to yourself to everything you see, all whom you meet, and each smile that you receive. You will feel more grateful and confidence.
Our body posture represents what we are at that particular time. Simple habit that we can learn and start to implement it are stand and sit correctly. Your great and nice body posture will speak for you. How you stand sends out a message to the World, and in turn, back to you.
Dress as smart as you can especially in some special occasions. You won't feel at your best if you don't look your best. You will be amazed at just how much more self confidence you will have just looking your best. It just feels good when you are wearing your best clothes, are well groomed, and are surrounded by a clean environment. So what if it is Saturday, you need to build up your self confidence today not next week. Put on your nice clothes, get the car washed.
Finally, this seems very easy but most of us forgot of it - Smile. Just smile and things seem better somehow. The world will be more wonderful than ever. Go to the mirror and smile - make yourself. Not a grimace, but a proper smile.
Start build up self confidence today!
Raymond Teh passions about achieving great self confidence and self esteem in life lead him to research for more information about self confidence. A great website that full of free useful guide and interactive lessons on self confidence can be reach at Personal Self Confidence
Raymond Teh recent posts and updated information can be reach via Personal Self Confidence Blog
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Posted by
7:56 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Improving Self Confidence
By Anne Marshall
Why is it so important to develop a healthy self-confidence and a positive self-image? You might like to think about that for a moment.
You know, your self-confidence is arguably one of the most important qualities you have. It reflects your assessment of your own self worth and it plays an important part in determining your happiness in life.
We can all feel a lack of confidence from time to time and most of us have one or more areas of our lives where we would like to be a little more confident, positive and sure of ourselves.
Here are a few simple tips to start you on the road of improving your confidence:
1. Be honest with yourself. Admitting you would like more confidence in one or more areas of your life is an essential step.
2. Identify the fear. If you can, aim to identify the underlying fear that is holding you back. For example, I recently realised how much I lacked confidence when walking down a steep cliff path. I realised that it wasn't anything to do with the height or downward motion but it was a residual memory of falling and hurting my back many years ago. The unconscious triggering of that painful memory was making me tense up and feel unsure of myself, with the end result that I was indeed more likely to fall. Being aware of any underlying fears will be a tremendous help but if this doesn't come easily for you, consider asking for some skilled help in this area.
3. Be aware of your expectations, they can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, in my own case, the more I expected to fall, the more likely I was to tense up and stumble, so reinforcing my lack of confidence in this area. Breaking this cycle of negative expectations is crucial to building up your confidence levels.
4. Watch your self talk throughout the day. You will probably notice that you often speak to yourself in a way that you would never speak to others? You know the sort of thing, calling yourself an idiot for making a mistake and so on. The way that we talk to ourselves is called self-talk and each of the thoughts we have about ourselves is stored and processed in our subconscious mind. Eventually these thoughts accumulate to create our beliefs and self-image. If you repeatedly focus on something with vivid imagery, and strong feelings and emotions then the subconscious mind has no choice but to accept it as real. So make sure you self-talk stays positive.
5. Celebrate! Yes, even for the minor successes in your life. Being grateful for something and celebrating it's presence in your life reinforces the belief that you can be, do and have what you want and is a wonderful way of boosting your confidence levels.
So consider, what could you achieve if you had more confidence? Would you take on new responsibilities at work, or go out more? Whatever you chose, know that it is possible with just a little bit of focused effort and a willingness to change. At the end of the day deciding to improve your confidence could be one of the most important decisions you ever take.
Anne Marshall is a Vitality Coach and Consultant specialising in confidence and wellness coaching. You can listen to a 45 minute recoding of her Confidence seminar free on line at You are also welcome to contact her directly via if you would like to discuss any of the points raised in this article.
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11:47 AM
Labels: Improving Self Confidence
How To Boost Your Self Confidence And Look, Act And Feel Stylish
By Annette C Welsford
When you feel stupid, undeserving or depressed - change your language. Saying words and phrases like "ought to", "should", "bad", "depressed", "must", "difficult" tends to disempower and does very little for your self-confidence.
I try to manage my language with positives: 'I can", "I will", "I find it challenging", "I could" gives me the power to make the decision.
I also find setting "mini goals" or achievable outcomes works well. I make them simple i.e.
ringing a cheerful positive friend (not a depressive one!)
going to the gym or taking the dog for a brisk walk
walking on the treadmill when it is raining
going to the movies and seeing new releases
finding an inexpensive belt, necklace or scarf to brighten up an old outfit and give it new life
helping one person with something - a recipe, a lift somewhere, lesson on a computer, a facial, a massage
Obviously different goals work for different people, but you get the idea.
I find achieving these goals very rewarding. It's my way of giving myself positive encouragement.
You must believe in yourself and your abilities, and when this happens the constant persistence and discipline brings about success.
Self Confidence, or the lack thereof, can be attributed to a reduced quality of life.
Things like
Unhappiness with life
Constant health problems
Stress and anxiety
Self Confidence does not come beautifully gift wrapped. We have to work on it every day.
IIt comes from the belief in yourself and acceptance of yourself and all your "blemishes". Everyone of us unique and special. Remember, we weren't born with a low self esteem. We allowed people or circumstances to make it our program. We can also change it.
Everyday try and do something for someone else. Do not focus on yourself when you meet someone for the first time, move the spotlight onto them and find out about their likes and dislikes.
In summary, BE HAPPY and SMILE.
I love the defining idea from ABRAHAM LINCOLN - "The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time".
If you'd like some expert help with rebuilding your self confidence and having a permanently happy and positive mind-set -
Cheers for now.
Annette Welsford
Visit and learn the 8 essential steps to being a stylish and self confident woman. Packed full of great resources, this site provides a wealth of useful tips and mentoring from a panel of world renowned experts in style, etiquette and mindset. Many women have used the information to bring about personal transformation so they can make a great impression and have the confidence and style to achieve their business goals and improve their social and romantic life.
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11:23 AM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Self Confidence - Believe in Yourself
By John Cowell
Self confidence is critical, here's how to believe in yourself and your songwriting today with a lesson from Songwriter Hall Of Fame inductee Hugh Prestwood.
I attended a seminar where Hugh Prestwood gave a songwriting lesson and an explanation of his process of songwriting. Every songwriter is different and each has unique processes to write with.
Hugh is a very successful writer who usually takes three to four weeks to write a song. He usually doesn't co-write. Many pro songwriters write many more songs than that. Question always is how many great songs?
He described how he wrote and produced his demos in his home studio. However he also had some very interesting comments about self doubt.
He explained that often he would go through a stage in a song's development where he would doubt the song and his ability to write. He also said this is a normal part of the process.
A light went on for me! Its normal to feel self doubt about songwriting!. It was like a huge load off my mind. Here I thought it was just me that had those feelings. When I thought about it, it made me laugh. Seems pretty straight forward but I hadn't realized it.
Do you have periods where you doubt your songwriting ability and feel like its hopeless? Do you ever feel you should just admit that you're not a great writer and just get on with a normal life. Well now you can relax. It's normal and part of the process.
Hugh also said something else that rang true with me. He indicated that in addition there were times he felt like he was a hot songwriter and he would finish a song and listen to it over and over again. Just wallow in his creation.
Have you ever played your song over and over again? So many times that it's embarrassing to admit your wallowing habits to your family and friends? Guess what? I think that is normal too.
Life goes in circles, so does your songwriting and how you feel about it. Understanding that self doubt cycles occur and not getting upset about it is freeing.
Your self confidence has mood swings so don't worry about it anymore! Just try to enjoy all you can and keep writing.
John Cowell is self proclaimed songwriting addict. His fresh approach to songwriting tips and advice will have you saying "Ah-Ha" over and over again. To get simple and terrific ideas on how to write great songs visit his website
To learn how to build your dream web site and web business like John did, go to
It's easier than you think!
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8:42 AM
Labels: Believing in Yourself, Power of Confidence, Self Confident Techniques
Friday, April 25, 2008
Developing Self Confidence
By Pete Connelly
How do we go from nought to ten in developing self confidence, is it possible, is it in a book, on a tape or even transferable from a friend. Well we probably will not go from zero to hero in one foul swoop but we can edge up from zero to midway in a relatively short time.
Self confidence and the development of it can, will and does come from within, those familiar with my previous articles will know that where I always start is between the ears.
Yes you got it, the mind, for things to change we have to change and it all starts with our minds. No I am not saying you can think yourself confident but like all problems we have to first take a look at where we are at now.
Having identified our current condition, we need to know where we are going, how we will measure our progress and the action required to develop our self confidence.
Please make a note of that, action required, I always lacked confidence in that I had not tried to do, in not trying it made me feel worse I started to feed my lack of self confidence. I was destroying from within, her is the great news I feel a few simple practices can start the climb back up the confidence ladder.
Before we precede you need to promise yourself you will be fare on you, you will not compare yourself with your super confident friend.
Confidence building steps, simple small action steps.
1. Always try to look your best; I am not talking latest designer wear but clean appearance, fresh. well groomed
2. Before leaving home look in the mirror, tell yourself some thing goods going to happen today for you.( don't scoff do it)
3. Walk a little quicker than normal, hold your head up and shoulders back.
4. Whatever it takes smile, say good morning with that smile.
5. Practice eye contact when speaking with others. These five small steps practised daily will produce progress along the path of developing self confidence; remember everyone has to start some where. I know that self confidence can be built through small meaningful steps, so try it and expose yourself to the risk as being described as someone with developing self confidence.
Peters is a leading motivational speaker and inspirational trainer.
His success is built on using 25 years of deep rooted fears and failures as stepping stones on a Journey from fear to faith which produced great results.... Today his deep passion and purpose is in helping others see themselves bigger than their current circumstances.
his website is a valuable resource to overcome fear and move forward with possibility thinking
Peter currently has a free download of the highly successful Think And Grow Rich available for a limited timegrab your copy today while its still free
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11:04 AM
Labels: Developing Self Confidence
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Nine Quick Self Confidence Boosts
By Emmanuel Segui
Everyone has had a day where the world just did not seem to be on their side and that black cloud was persistently over their head. If you are simply having one of those days where your self confidence seems to be dragging you down, instead of wallowing in self pity, take steps to boost yourself up! Maybe you just woke up not quite feeling your best or made a significant mistake in front of someone important. Perhaps you did not do as well as you thought on your test or did not excel at your interview.
Whatever the reason, learning a few tricks to quickly boost your self confidence will have a bounce in your step and your head in the clouds in no time!
Find a physical activity you enjoy doing. Whether it is jogging, aerobics, or yoga, exercise is a sure-fire way to boost your self confidence. If you are starting to feel low, take 15 minutes out of your day to exercise your worries away.
In addition to producing endorphins that raise your spirits, you will have lessened your chances for disease, heart attack, and stroke in one fell swoop. If that capability is not enough to boost your self confidence, then think about the physical effects of exercise.
Even a brief amount of exercise is enough to trim and shape up your body. The old saying, when you look good, you feel good is in full effect.
Take a second to be silly whether you need a hearty belly laugh or a moment to dance by yourself. A second is enough time to feel good about yourself again. Many websites will send jokes to your inbox on a daily or weekly basis. Sign up for this free service and open the e-mail when you are feeling low. There is nothing like a good laugh to remind yourself what a great person you are.
Put on your favorite song and dance like there is no tomorrow. In addition to easing your stress, your self confidence will shoot through the roof as the music brings back favorite memories.
Allow yourself a luxury. Remind yourself you are important and worthy of the world on a silver platter. When things are not going your way and you begin to question yourself, take time to reward yourself. Whether it is a chocolate kiss or a pat on the back, your spirits-and self esteem-will be lifted.
Write down your goals that you have achieved and look back at them when you are feeling low.
Maybe you were the first person to graduate from college in your family. Perhaps you just closed on a fantastic house. Maybe you made president of your organization.
Whatever your accomplishment, allow yourself a minute to remind yourself of your worth. Keep of your family and friends to remind yourself all these people are rooting for you to succeed. Make yourself notes that congratulate yourself on handling a situation or completing a goal.
Learn from your mistakes as the old adage goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Acknowledge where you made your mistake and forgive yourself. That constant nagging guilt will ruin your self esteem.
Make the necessary means to rid the guilt, learn from your actions, and move on.
Think of mistakes as happy accidents or learning experiences.
How ever you choose to boost your self esteem, know that by doing so you approve of yourself as a person. Allowing issues to get you down will only lower your self esteem further.
By keeping a positive attitude, you will have the ability to turn around unsavory situations and make them positive ones. Keep in mind you are a worthy person who has a bright future.
Learn self-confidence and self esteem building tools and techniques from NLP and Hypnosis master. Get our free mini-course "Discover the TOP 5 secrets of EVERY highly successful Person to Achieve What You Want" today at
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8:23 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Can A Subliminal Confidence Booster Help You?
By Jon Mercer
You might have heard about the scandal last year where Australian Channel Ten was caught flashing subliminal logos of different products during and award show. The Australian Communications and Media Authority are now looking into the case to see if any laws were broken by the channel. What's the big fuss? In most countries in the western world it is illegal to "attempt to use or involve a technique which attempts to convey information to the viewer by transmitting messages below or near the threshold of normal awareness."
So if there actually are laws preventing the use of subliminals in advertising and television programming, couldn't these same techniques be used as subliminal confidence boosters? I know the jury still seems to be out on this issue; some studies indicate that subliminal messaging works, others find no proof of this. But if the advertising industry spends millions of dollar every year on subliminal advertising and research, isn't it likely that there is something to this?
So how can this power be used as subliminal confidence building? We know affirmations work, but maybe there can be a more efficient way to go about them? Both affirmations and subliminals are basically just messages. Affirmations you tell yourself over and over, subliminals you are not aware of.
In addition to using affirmations and different exercises to build your confidence, you could use subliminals messages. For instance, have a subliminal confidence booster playing in the background when you are asleep. Or get a subliminal confidence mp3 that you can play on your ipod or in your car.
Subliminal confidence recordings also have the advantage that unlike regular affirmation or hypnosis recordings they can be used almost anywhere because it is really hard for someone listening to make out what is being said.
Anyone who has ever experienced low self esteem or self confidence knows how much it affects and worsens your life. Repeating affirmations to yourself and using hypnosis, either self hypnosis, a hypnotherapist or a hypnosis mp3, can definitely help your confidence, but if there are other options out there that can be just as or even more efficient, it's important to try them.
It just makes sense that using a subliminal confidence booster, alone or together with the affirmations and hypnosis, could give you even better results. It also saves you time. Even if you don't have time to listen to a hypnosis recording every day, you can put on your subliminal confidence booster when you go to bed and let your subconscious work on your problem while you are sleeping.
It definitely can't hurt to try a subliminal confidence program, and chances are it will really help you. Even if all the research is not in on this issue, nothing has been ruled out either. You really just need to follow the money; the advertising industries are practically running our world today, and if they are spending a lot of money and effort on this, chances are its highly effective.
Discover the Secrets to Building Subliminal Confidence
Breakthrough Program to Gain Confidence at the Deepest Subcounscious Levels!
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9:29 AM
Labels: Self Confidence Boosters, Subliminal Confidence Booster