By Beth Davis
After reading thousands of hands in the hand analysis (non-predictive palmistry) business, I would say the "Life Lesson" of humanity is self-esteem issues. If you doubt yourself, how are you going to trust something as subtle, fast and laser sharp as your intuition for making business decisions?
Having good self-esteem is vital to harnessing the power of your intuition in business. And here's the catch: If women business owners ask for help from their intuition and don't listen, their intuitive awareness may go into hibernation. If you ask and listen, but don't ACT, then you create stagnation, procrastination and all sorts of challenges.
Here are three quick tips, learned over years of palm reading, for women business owners to build their self-esteem and deepen their confidence in their inner guidance:
Spirituality and Business Tip #1: Delete all non-essential email for one week.
Answer only those emails that are personal or business related. You don't have to unsubscribe from everything or do anything drastic. Just cut out the noise for one week.
Notice your discomfort in deleting your non-essential email. (I receive hundreds of emails per day. Only 50 are business emails that need responses and by responding to those emails, I actually ADD efficiency to my life.) Notice if you feel anxious that you are going to miss something. Notice if you can't do it this week and want to put it off to next week. Who REALLY has the answers to your life? You or a message in an electronic box?
Spirituality and Business Tip #2: Don't do anything - and I do mean anything - that you don't want to do.
This is different from not doing something because it's uncomfortable or because you are scared. There is a fine distinction here. If you don't want to do something, you know it in every cell of your body. BUT you may be tempted to do it anyway in order to: avoid someone's wrath or criticism, be pleasing, get your way, manipulate someone or get revenge. Just to name some of the many methods of self-betrayal that I see in my palmistry practice.
Spirituality and Business Tip #3: Make commitments to your self that you can keep.
As a palmistry expert, I recommend that instead of saying, "I'm going to start working out five days a week, start writing for two hours every day and start organizing all my paperwork every week," why not commit to: "I'm going to move my body twice a week in a way that is pleasurable to me. I will write five minutes on Friday and build upon that. I will hire someone to organize my paperwork." Many women business owners in my palm reading business have learned from this tip. By making commitments you can keep, you build your self-esteem, and hence, your faith in yourself and in your intuition in making business decisions.
Beth Davis, "The Hand Analyst," is a professional hand analyst/palmist and winner of the 2007-2008 Glazer-Kennedy Information Marketer of the Year Award. Get her free special report, "The 5 Massive Mistakes Spiritually-Oriented Women Make in Business and how to avoid them!" at
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Women Business Owners - Build Your Self-Esteem and Deepen Your Confidence
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3:22 PM
Confidence Booster - You Can Achieve Your Dream
By Jan Verhoeff
Do you ever have that feeling that you're being pulled down into a bucket of crabs? There they are all around you pulling you back from the edge of success, beating you down and pouncing on you to keep you at the bottom, but you see the daylight, and you know there's sand. You can escape.
Set Goals
You set your goals on that sky and you climb. Sometimes it means you step on someone's head, when they just stay there in the way, and you might even be able to help someone along the way, but ultimately in order for you to get to the sand, you have to get out of the bucket first. Set your goals and move toward the sky. Climb to safety. Once you're in the successful sands of life you can find a rope and toss it back for the rest of the crabs to climb to safety.
Metaphor of Reality
It's a metaphor of reality, but those crabs I the bucket don't want you to escape, because they're afraid if you escape, they won't be able to find you and you'll for get about them. The reality is, if you don't escape, you'll always be one of them. But if you want more you must escape the crabs that keep pulling you back. You must be free, in order to help them help themselves, one of you must escape.
Misled to Believe
Have you been misled to believe there's safety in numbers? Those crabs are all going to be someone's dinner if they stay in the bucket. They have to escape one at a time, or they'll continue to pull each other back and remain in the bucket until they get dumped in a pan of boiling water and cooked for dinner.
If you put just one crab in a bucket, he'll crawl out. You must have two crabs in a bucket so they'll keep pulling each other back in. You'll have to escape alone. You can't escape with someone who is pulling you back.
Are you ready to achieve your dreams?
Set your sites on success and escape the crabs in the bucket at with Jan's News and Updates of Success and Achievement. You too can be successful. Come on over and see for yourself.
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1:33 PM
Labels: Boost Self-confidence, Confidence Booster
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
An Easy And Effective Way To Improve Your Confidence
By Hani Al-qasem
Many of us generally feel great, relieved and grateful when we leave the past behind, where we gladly and happily approach and enter a new year. We tend to look at the beginning of a new year as a new era, as an opportunity for us to recoup and regenerate, an opportunity for us to re-evaluate our lives and where we are now. We sit back and analyze where we went wrong and remembering with happiness where we went right.
Then, when we are set and done, we sit up straight, we stick our chest out and we start the yearly ritual of pondering what we can do to improve this year on the last.
Armed with a pen and pad, we start to think anew. Think ahead, and, if we're confident and courageous enough, we'd even set new goals or perhaps we'd rehash the old goals that we did not yet achieve. That's fine, even great. At least we started to think ahead and plan what it is that we want, and we hopefully set them as goals and not mere wishes.
At this point, I take it that many of you have undergone such a ceremony. Now, it is vitally important for you to realize that for you to be successful in your pursuit of your goals, whatever they may be, and for you to actually achieve those goals or aspirations and live the life of your dreams, you cannot afford the comfort of being unconfident.
To have anything that you want and to become the person that you want to become, you have to rise above your limitations and gradually increase the level of your self-confidence. Lacking confidence in any area of your life is a stumbling block that you have to burst through or climb over. Or, at least, challenge your unconfident areas one by one and step by step.
Decide now that you are willing to move beyond the restrictions that you have in your life. Leave 2007 behind and don't glance back. Make a list of what you want to achieve this year, and take the necessary action to increase your confidence level to accomplish what it is that your desire.
You can overcome the lack of confidence step by step, one day at a time. For example, if you are lacking confidence in social functions, make it your weekly or bi-weekly goal to attend small social events, even at your local pub or club. Pluck up the confidence and courage to introduce yourself to any person you feel you might be comfortable with. Try it out. If that seems too much for you, stand in a strategic place where there's lots of traffic. It won't be long before someone strikes up a conversation with you.
Building on your confidence is just like anything else in the world. It takes practice and repetition. Consistently make an effort to increase your confidence. The beauty is, any confidence that you build on in one area tends to overflow and increase your confidence in another area.
As you gradually increase your confidence, you become more comfortable in many new situations that you may encounter. Confidence builds on itself and spreads to various areas. Make use of that. And before you know it, you will graduate to having a high level of confidence.
Hani Al-Qasem is the co-author of "Self-Confidence Building in 7 Steps." He is proud and passionate about his dream and vision to help inspire, motivate and support adults and children, of all ages, to be the best that they can be in all areas of their lives. His life ambition is to reach and encourage 7 million, or more, people to reach their true potential. Discover how you, too, can benefit and improve on any area of your life by reading and applying the learnings in his e-book. To get your free condensed sample chapters, which can be immediately downloaded, visit: You can also take your personal and professional life to a higher level through his MP3 True Thoughts affirmation downloads at
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10:23 AM
Labels: Boost Self-confidence, Improving Self Confidence, Increasing Self Confident
Is it Possible to Retrain Your Brain and Improve Self Confidence?
There are lots of techniques and products that claim to be able to retrain your brain and improve self-confidence. But is there any clear evidence that it is possible to affect your subconscious and fundamentally change the way you feel about yourself?
I've been a personal development coach for pretty long time now, so I've obviously come into contact with many people desiring to make changes in their life. And one of the most common and fundamental changes a person can make is to improve their self-confidence.
One technique that claims to be able to improve self-confidence is affirmations. Affirmations are probably the easiest of all personal development techniques to employ. They simply require you to repeat -- or affirm -- positive statements to yourself. Research has shown that when used on a daily basis, affirmations can have some effect on self-confidence. However, this technique can take a very long time to show results, and in many cases, those results can be minimal.
Another technique to retrain your brain for increased self-confidence is to use self hypnosis. Hypnosis bypasses the critical conscious mind, to present commands or "suggestions" to the subconscious mind. Research on hypnosis suggests that approximately 55 to 60% of all individuals can be hypnotized, so while this technique can be useful to many people, it is by no means a fool-proof solution.
Self hypnosis in particular is difficult to assess as a meaningful way to improve self-confidence. Again, research suggest that self hypnosis can be useful for a wide range of issues, including calming fears and anxieties, and building greater self-esteem and confidence, though again, not everyone is likely to benefit from this technique.
Still another method of "mental reprogramming" is the use of subliminal suggestions. While there is much controversy about the effectiveness of subliminal commands and suggestions, several recent studies indicate that subliminal messages are both registered and understood by the subconscious mind.
The University of Bethlehem in Israel recently conducted subliminal research wherein participants were randomly shown subliminal images of either the Israeli or Palestine flag. The results of this research clearly indicate that subjects who had been exposed to the subliminal flag images altered their political points of view depending on which flag was used.
Follow-up research suggested that being shown the subliminal flag image could even cause the participants to change their voting behavior in the Israeli general election. This and other similar studies suggest that, not only are subliminal suggestions and symbols clearly understood, but they also have the power to change both attitude and behavior. While more research is necessary, the current studies suggest there is the potential to "retrain" states of mind and behavior through the use of subliminal suggestions and symbology.
Finally, one increasingly popular method to improve confidence is to use a "Gestalt" approach, which incorporates all of the above techniques and more in an attempt to "overwhelm" the subconscious mind with a deluge of new information. While there is little formal research on the effectiveness of this "all-inclusive" method of retraining the human brain, anecdotal evidence suggests that this may likely be the best approach.
The "Gestalt" method of overwhelming the subconscious mind is actually quite similar to brainwashing. The only difference being that the individual is in control of the process, and is basically attempting to brainwash themselves.
Overall, there isn't enough empirical evidence to say with certainty how effective any of these methods may be to improve self confidence, though it stands to reason that using a multi-faceted approach to "retrain your brain" is likely to produce the best results.
About the Author: Retrain your brain for confidence and success! Improve Self Confidence with "Positive Brainwashing"
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9:17 AM
Labels: Affirmation, Improving Self Confidence, Increasing Self Confident, Self Confident Techniques, Self Hypnosis
The Secret to Real Confidence
By Jon Mercer
The real "secret" to building stronger confidence is in leveraging the power of self-acceptance and self-appreciation. Sometimes the best secrets are hidden in plain sight. When it comes to developing confidence, there is one "secret shortcut" that took me years to understand, but it's so painfully obvious that I want to kick myself sometimes for not being aware of it all along. The "secret" I want to tell to you about is acceptance.
Understanding the importance of acceptance requires a little creative thinking. It is important to remember that confidence is never an "all or nothing" situation. We all have confidence to some degree, but it is a fact that some people have much more that than others. It is also a fact, that no matter how low your self-esteem may be right now, you do have some confidence. So it's a sliding scale, and just for the sake of argument, let's say that the confidence scale goes from one to ten, with one being least confident and ten being supremely confident.
To further make this point, let's say that right now your confidence level is a three on this scale, and your friend's confidence is a six on the same scale. Now, it's obvious that your friend is twice as confident as you, but at the same time his confidence level is still only a six out of ten, so it certainly could be a lot higher and your friend is very aware of this.
Now here is where the power of acceptance comes into the picture. Imagine that your friend, whose confidence level is a six, feels very bad about himself because his confidence isn't higher. But let's say that, unlike your friend, you understand that your confidence level is low, but you feel OK about that, and you're not judging yourself because of it. In effect, you are saying "my confidence level "is what it is" and I feel perfectly comfortable with that."
Now, who is going to be perceived as being more confident, you or your friend? YOU ARE! Every single time. Because if you accept your confidence level (no matter what it is) and are perfectly comfortable with it, you are going to come across as much more confident than your friend who does not accept his confidence level. You see how this works?
Another way of saying this would be, no matter what your confidence level is, accepting it and being comfortable with it will instantly make you more confident! Are you having an "aha" moment yet? I know I did when i first began to really "get" this idea. And the irony is, this is such a simple idea. Nevertheless, I overlooked this critical point for many years. Maybe you have too...
But once you understand the importance of acceptance, you can use this knowledge to immediately boost your confidence. All you need to do is begin where you are right now and make it a point to accept your current situation and your current level of confidence. Do NOT feel frustrated with yourself or your situation. Begin with a good feeling about where you are right now at this very minute. After a day or two of thinking this way, you will definitely notice a difference. When you begin any confidence building program from the point of view of acceptance, you are certain to see greater results in less time.
But be warned, if you begin trying to make changes in your life from a position of frustration, or self disapproval, you will find it much more difficult to create the results you want. Find a way to make peace with yourself and your situation where you are right now. Remember, the key to the whole thing is to start by accepting yourself just as you are right now. You absolutely can do this, and it WILL make a difference. Every single time.
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About the Author: Jon Mercer is a personal development coach and the founder of Click here to learn Jon's method of building real confidence quickly!
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8:32 AM
Labels: Boost Self-confidence, Building Self Confidence, Secret to Real Confidence
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Self-Confidence: 4 Thinking Patterns on How to Communicate with Self Confidence.
By Emmanuel Segui
One thing common to all great communicators is that when they speak, everybody listens. However, communicating to people is one of the greatest fears for most of the human beings, and especially when it comes to public speaking.
Confident communication however, is more than what you speak. It takes into account your body language as well.
Here are 4 thinking patterns that's inside the mind of a successful communicator.
1. Confident communicators aren't a know all. Of course, you need to have good knowledge about the subject you are talking about, but what actually matters is not what you say, but how you say it.
2. Successful people don't do different things, they do things differently. The first step is to believe in what you say. You must be fully convinced in the idea and only then will there be conviction in the tone of your voice. Your voice now is equipped with the power to hold people's attention.
3. Confident communicators don't let people make them nervous. Most people suffer from fearing catastrophes that never happen. Most people tend to make a very high imaginary impression of other people in their minds. 4. Mind your body language. Your gesture, postures and eye contact probably talk louder than your words. Body language cuts across all barriers of communication such as language, time, place, knowledge and so on. Your body language starts getting interpreted unconsciously by everyone around. People start forming impressions about you the moment you make an eye contact and body language certainly contributes a considerably large part of the impression you make.
Try to learn from your experiences and there is no reason why you can't make it. Get going.
By the way, did you know that self confidence is the main problem of most communicators? Discover 3 facts on how to communicate more confidently, in public, in a group or in your family.
Here are 3 facts you must know about how to be a better communicator that you thought possible.
- You may have a sad expression on your face because of some other matter, but the person you are talking to may feel that you don't approve what he says, leading to misunderstanding. Be fully concentrated on the other person. Keep your mind alive and don't be distracted. Distraction leads to misunderstanding, misunderstanding leads to mistrust. Mistrust leads to less business. It's that simple.
- A steady gaze may convey intensity, anger, aggression or strong interest. Little eye contact may imply lack of confidence or shyness. My rule in public speaking is: Make good eye contact for 3 to 5 seconds, then look at another part of the face, lips, eyebrows or mouth. If you're afraid of making eye contact, work on it, work on your self confidence and especially your self esteem.
- Open hands may convey honesty and openness; however, making a lot of hand gestures might mean that you are being nervous. Synchronize your gestures with the words you speak. Don't move too fast. Don't speak too fast either. Keep everything simple. The simpler the better.
Confident communication, including words and gestures, is something that you do not perfect in a day. You must grab every opportunity to communicate. Try to check your communication skills, your strong points and the mistakes you make along with the overall affect on the other person.
And now I would like to offer you my free minicourse : "Discover the TOP 5 secrets of EVERY highly successful Person to Achieve What You Want" today at
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2:39 PM
Labels: Confident Communication, Thinking Patterns
Confidence Building Through Self-Hypnosis and NLP
By Alan B. Densky, Ch
Self-Confidence is an emotional and psychological state that responds to our need for recognition and self-acceptance. It's among the oldest and most discussed concepts in psychology. It describes a positive but also adequate perception somebody has of himself or herself and of his or her abilities. As such, self-confident people generally have a better idea of the things they are able to do and are more likely to be successful in what they attempt. They are also more likely to accept and learn from their failures.
On the contrary, a lack of confidence might prevent you from believing what you do and decide will eventually work out the way you would have liked to. It can hence inhibit the buildup of decision-making skills, strategic and management abilities all of which are fundamental and sought-after things in the business world of today. The pre-occupation with other people's judgment of your work can also cause you to become extremely self-critical, which is something that can distract you from assignments you would otherwise be totally capable of performing.
Low self confidence will also affect your social life, as individuals with a low level of self confidence are more likely to stay in their "comfort zone" and fear the risk of rejection. This is called social phobia and is usually associated with low self confidence, but also other psychological conditions such as depression. People with low self confidence are scared of the judgment of others and will avoid talking to new people, which can result in isolation and even less self confidence. Low self confidence is a vicious cycle that's hard to break.
To the contrary, because they are able to trust their own abilities, self-confident people are able to do what they feel is appropriate and do not expect the approval of their peers. They also inspire confidence: your boss, employees, customers, friends or relatives are more likely to believe in you or in the things you are telling them when you appear self-confident.
Various experiences can lead to low self confidence. Recent research shows that parenting style has a critical effect on the development of the self confidence of children. Bodily and mental abuses during childhood are for instance the most damaging to somebody's self confidence, as well as divorce and family conflicts.
Overprotective parents can also be a reason for a child's social phobia and hamper the independence necessary to develop self confidence. Successes and failures, for instance at school or in one's professional life, also play an important role: failing a class or losing a job are among the various experiences that will have a negative impact your self confidence.
There are however ways to overcome those bad experiences and increase self confidence. The first thing to do in order to build self confidence would be to learn to know yourself and what your strengths are. Recognizing that you cannot be perfect and cannot be the best in everything you do will help you gain self confidence. Accepting yourself as you are is the key to building self confidence.
But improving self confidence also requires that you start taking risks and giving yourself credit for your accomplishments. This is very simple advice which will help you develop self confidence. You might also find many books which will claim they can help you gain self confidence, however many of them are not reliable.
A great number of people suffer from low self confidence or are only able to gain self confidence in one or a certain number of areas of their lives because they continually look for other people's approval and are afraid that they could fail.
Many factors, like childhood traumas, can explain why some people cannot have the wholesome life a self confident individual could have. Such individuals also do not always know how to gain self confidence. But improving self confidence can now readily and effectively be done with hypnosis and NLP.
As we have seen before low self confidence and social phobia can be triggered by traumas or unconscious fears that may be hard to overcome with self persuasion only. Confidence hypnosis and NLP on the contrary are able to reach the unconscious part of the mind and alter belief systems to boost self confidence. They are effective tools that will help you address your fears and believe in yourself to develop self confidence.
Self-Hypnosis for building self confidence has been used for several decades and has shown significant results in building self confidence. Once in a hypnotic state, reaching unconscious thoughts is a lot easier and, thanks to hypnotic suggestion, you will be able to replace your negative thought patterns with positive ones to gain self confidence.
Alan B. Densky, CH is an NGH certified hypnotherapist. He offers effective NLP CD's for self confidence and social phobias. His self hypnosis for self confidence CD's were independently reviewed in the UK. Visit his hypnotherapy web site and watch free hypnosis videos.
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10:35 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, NLP Techniques, Self Hypnosis
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Explode Your Self Confidence Today
By Shivanna G
"You and Your Self"
There are so many benefits to learning to improve your self confidence! For starters, just check out only SOME of the improvements that can happen in your life once you start tackling your self esteem work:
So what can you expect?
• You can finally learn to speak will authority and presence.
• You can finally learn to relate to fear and anxiety as a challenge not as a prison.
• You can finally learn to be self-assured and feel comfortable in any surroundings.
• You can finally learn to be able to hold a conversation with anyone, anytime and feel totally in control and natural.
• You can finally learn to feel a deep inner sense of knowing, that you are finally acting in line with your own chosen values.
• You can finally learn to be naturally called to take bold action - it won't be forced.
"Goals 101"
OK, time to gather up some writing paper, pencil and eraser or pen and handy folder to keep everything together, all in one place.
Some people like to create a goal book and add all there goals whenever they create a new one. They also write about them each day and keep a record of what happened to move them closer to the fulfilment of a specific goal. This is not required; however if you think it would be useful, please give it a try. So long as you keep the goal in mind throughout the day you will do just fine
OK, write away! It's your turn to make words, put down some goals....
"Personal Power"
In a nutshell, all of us require these two principles:
1. Direction or a goal plan2. Consistency or perseverance
You can decide upon your objective, you can certainly plan it out, you can create fresh ideas, and there are always a number of plans ready to be put into action in the real world.
Enthusiasm, perseverance and consistency come when you see a vision of what you want to create, be do or have in your life. It comes from within and can propel you to great success in whatever you put your attention on.
Being conscious of enthusiasm is the mark of someone on the road to success. This also translates to confidence to all that see such a person. Any fear that emerges on your journey can certainly be overcome, which the subject of the another lesson, another time (see the ebook).
"Mixed Emotions"
Did you know that successful people in life are prepared to fail as often as necessary in order to acquire the experience that will eventually lead to their desired success.
In doing so, their willingness and openness to failure is an absolute requirement to the eventual completing of their mission of acquisition of their goal or vision.
It doesn't matter if you want to build a skyscraper or to become a champion athlete. It doesn't matter if you want to build more confidence or becomes a public speaker.
In fact:
The more you expose yourself and face the very real possibility of failure, the more you expose yourself to success also!
"'Self' Direction"
Did you know that the person who is deemed a failure is the one who never exposes him or herself (not literally, of course, but personally? They do this because they fear that there hard work will be worthless and so they do not dare step into new areas of experience or new situations in life.
But you can take charge. Change direction.:
• One way of overcoming a negative emotion you do not want is to passionately attack it with an emotion you DO want.
• A stronger emotion will always overcome a weaker one.
• Emotions you need to free yourself from the negative ones can be called up and you can learn how to call them.
Shivanna is the creator of the site Explode Your Self Confidence Today. If you liked these Self Confidence developing tips, why not get remaining Self Confidence developing tips to help yourself, your friends, family, neighbors and others? Just click here to grab those hot tips now: Explode Your Self Confidence Today.
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7:17 PM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, Explode Self Confidence, Improving Self Confidence
Monday, January 21, 2008
You Can Gain Self Confidence
By Susan Velez
You can gain self confidence by just making yourself feel better about yourself. I know this is sounds easy, however most people are their own worst enemies. People are harder on themselves than other people. They tend to be a very difficult judge towards themselves. When things are not going the way they would like it to be; you tend to bash yourself with negative affirmations.
If you have been on a diet attempting to lose weight, and you fall off the diet if you notice you will bash yourself with negative thoughts and self talk.
What you can to to help you gain self confidence is to realize that you are human and you are entitled to making mistakes. As long as you learn from your mistakes and get back on the track towards your goals, there is nothing wrong with falling off your diet or anything else you desire. Begin at once to visualize yourself with whatever it is you desire. As you do this begin feeling the feelings of yourself looking the way you want. When you do this on a daily basis you will begin to gain self confidence, and you will build your self esteem.
Another thing you can do to gain self confidence is to quit criticizing yourself. Begin reading positive books that empower you. People change the way they feel about themselves everyday just by using a few simple techniques to focus their mind on what they really wish to experience and what matters to them to help make them feel good. You can post positive affirmations throughout the house that you can use everyday to help you gain self confidence. As you continue to do this on a daily basis you will influence your subconscious mind; and you will begin becoming that person.
Utilize several affirmations such as I am a great person, I look great, I feel wonderful, I am healthy, I am fitting in new pants size?, anything that makes you feel better about yourself as long as it is positive will help you gain self esteem and feel great.
It may seem extremely difficult from where you are sitting right now, but believe me it is a lot easier to feel great about yourself than to constantly think negatively. Plus it will help you get a lot further in life; just by being positive. As a matter of fact if you are negative throughout your life you can not experience anything positive. We always get what we focus on; so begin today to focus on the positive things in your life and begin being grateful for everything in your life and you will begin experiencing more of what you want.
You can gain self confidence by just applying these techniques everyday. It will not only build your self confidence but you will understand that you can be do have anything you set your mind to. You are the creator of your life and you must realize that in order for you to begin creating the life of your dreams.
Get all your free tips on the importance to personal development and receive free techniques to utilize as meditation, visualization and lots of other wealth generating techniques Plus sign up for the free Powerful Living Newsletter.
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8:22 AM
"How to Develop a Positive Attitude"
By Bryce Roadley
A. You Are What You Think.
Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary lists seven definitions for the word attitude. For our purposes, let's look at two:
1. A mental position with regard to a fact or state.
2. A [biological] state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to a stimulus.
Notice that one definition deals with the psychological and the other looks at the biological.
In other words, our attitude encompasses both what we feel about - as author Douglas Adams calls it - "Life, the Universe and Everything," - as well as how we react to it all. So, even before we begin to ask questions about how to live a better life or how to improve our self-image or grow more prosperous, we must examine how each of us looks at this thing called "Our Life."
If we want to succeed, it's important to understand that how we set our life's compass - our attitude - will determine where we travel for the remainder of our journey.
Notice the two definitions above; the first assumes that attitude is a function of the brain. The second portrays a life in which the wellsprings of the mind flow into what we do physically, in other words, our habits, speech and even our health. Attitude is built from many materials, beginning with our genetic dispositions. That's right, Mum and Dad have some influence on how our brains grow and mature as well as what kind of neuro-chemicals are mixed together in our amazing skulls.
The problem with many self-help programs is that they are based on the assumption that attitude is totally dependent on will or some kind of iron discipline.
Of course, it is true that we are responsible for our thoughts and we must choose to respond to life -there will be more on that later.
For those who truly want to change, however, it is important to approach our attitude from the standpoint of understanding who we are and what genetic traits we have inherited from our forebears. Why? Once we understand what psychological and emotional factors we can attribute to our relatives, we can then approach real change armed with enough information for a reality check.
This is not an argument in favor of determinism (i.e. the notion of "I'm the way I am because of my parents and I can't do anything about it!").
Even if you grew up with two of the angriest parents to ever grace human society, you can still overcome such a temperament.
But, the important thing to understand is that you may possess the same traits.
By acknowledging your heritage, you can move forward knowing what pitfalls (courtesy of your genes) may await you.. Before we use a compass on a long journey, we should always make sure it's going to work properly.
Is it calibrated for true North? Just like a misaligned compass, our lives can become off-center because of our past.
Whether it's mental abuse by a loved one or a negative attitude we absorb from popular culture, any examination of attitude must start with introspection.
B. So, How Do You View Life?
Never had the soil of bitterness and anger been so fertile than it was in Nazi concentration camps in World War II.
Men, women and children who were deemed undesirable by Hitler's maniacal regime were shipped far from their homes on railway boxcars like human livestock to compounds built on humiliation, torture, degradation and usually death.
Starvation was the rule rather than the exception.
The few who survived physical death nevertheless left those camps mentally scarred.
For many, the experience changed their attitude irrevocably from happy, prosperous members of society to virtual skeletons that gnawed on the bones of resentment and hostility for the rest of their days.
It's certainly understandable that a person could change their attitude on life after witnessing such human depravity.
For Victor Frankl, however, attitude always remained a matter of unchangeable direction- a direction that always pointed to a bright outlook on reality and the human condition.
A noted Austrian therapist and physician, Frankl's sedate life crumbled one autumn day in 1942 when the SS snatched him and his wife and parents away to the Theresienstadt concentration camp.
Even as he endured torment after torment - watching his parents and wife waste away and die as they were moved from camp to camp - Frankl never lost his therapist's ability to observe and define human behavior.
While working as a camp counselor and medical technician, Frankl noticed that inmates tended to exhibit one of two attitudes.
They would either give in to despair or they would choose to live a life of meaning despite the beatings, lack of food and outright brutality of their captors.
Frankl writes:
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
In short, our attitude is the one thing we possess that can never be regulated, taxed, stolen or conned from us - unless we allow it be.
Bryce Roadley is an author, speaker and business mentor. He has spent the last 27 years in business and has trained and mentored thousands of people. He has built a number of million dollar businesses and one multi-million dollar business with over 70,000 distributor's, he recently sold that business and is dedicating his life to sharing his principles of success with people world wide.
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8:10 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, Developing Positive Attitude
Building Self Confidence Create a Better You
By Arthur Wang
How everyone wish they have more self confidence in themselves. With a little more self confidence, you can become a better person and see the world in a new perspective. For those who are born with it, self confidence becomes a natural process. Ideally, it would be to your advantage if your parents have developed your self confidence while you were young. If not, you still can developed it yourself as an adult. However, if you are currently a parent, it would be wise to help your kids develop their self confidence early as it will aid in their life achievement.
As you grow and progress in your life, your self confidence will either deteriorate or improve depending on the life events that is happening around you. Your self confidence is important to you because a lack of it can hold back the progress of your life. A person who is confidence truly love and believe in themselves. They have the courage to do what their heart and desire. The opinions and discouraging words from others have very little impact on them once they decide to purse their dreams and goals.
Many people with low self confidence often under achieved as they don't believe in their own potential. The lack of self confidence can lead to a self perpetuating problem as people with low self confidence set less goals and are more likely to under performance. In the work place, they are unlikely to work to their full capacity as they lack the confidence to perform well. The less than stellar results will reinforce that you are mediocre and lousy worker. As a result, your self confidence suffers and in some cases lead to other self destructive behaviors such as eating disorders, shopping disorders or turning to drugs in some extreme cases.
People lacking in self confidence are also unlikely to enjoy fulfilling relationships with their partners, family members or friends. They don't fill comfortable making new friends as they feel that others are always better than them. They tends to under estimate their self worth.
Developing your self confidence early is the best defense again those undesirable behavior. You should not wait to get started building your self confidence and esteem. Do it today, right now and don't delay till tomorrow. Determine and list down your strong point. Focus and develop these strong areas first as it will let you fully believe in yourself and your skills. The more you see your accomplishment, the more you can see the aspect in your life that you are good in.
Building your self confidence is a progressive effort and you need to develop it gradually by testing and challenging yourself daily or regularly. As your self confidence improve, the more challenges you will conquer and the better you will feel about yourself.
Finally, you will developed into a person who have the self confidence to do whatever thing that you desire in life.
Copyright © Arthur More on: Self Confidence and Motivation More on: Motivation Inspirational Quotes Visit:
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8:10 AM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
Confidence Made Easy
By Shannon Graham
1. A Clear Picture
1. Certainty
Lets face it, when if comes to confidence no one is perfect. But it seems to me like one of the biggest factors in having high levels of self confidence comes from knowing exactly what you want out of life. I mean think about it, when you are not very sure about what you want, where you are going, or what kind of results you would like to achieve. That leads to a fair amount of uncertainty which can be a total killer of confidence. That is why certainty is the first key; it is because it is so important. Your action activity for this first key is to set some time aside and really focus on what you want out of life, where you want your life to go, and what kind of experiences you would like to have and make sure to be a detailed imaginative as you can. You will see your confidence level rise; because you will be completely aware of how you want to walk through life.
2. Fearlessness
Now when I speak of fearlessness I am not talking about having a total absence of fear. I am talk about your association to fear. Many of us live far below our potential; and it has nothing to do what what they are capable of, or their intelligence. It is more often because they are afraid they might fail, and experience pain. Yet the psychology of someone who has a great level of confidence does not see failure as something that is negative or to be feared. Ask your self this question right now. Am I willing to learn from my mistakes? True confidence comes from the ability to make mistakes, learn from them and use what you learned to take a better action next time. So go out and make some mistakes!
3. Awareness
Have you ever been looking for something and not been able to find it, and become upset and annoyed because you know this thing you are looking was "Right there!!" just two minutes ago? Just to have someone else point the thing out right in front of your nose? It is no different when it comes to confidence, when we get into a negative state of mind it is easy to ride it further and further down. Yet the whole time there is our confidence, our power, right next to us the whole time. So now it is time to become aware of the fact that we choose our thoughts and that confidence can be ours at any moment as long as we just make a strong decision to take a step back, take a deep breath, and reset our thoughts. Action step? Work on being aware of when your confidence starts to flounder, and ask your self some empowering questions like, How in this moment do I have power? Or what would it take for me to have more confidence right now?
4. Self Talk
The next key goes hand in hand with the one before it. Along with being aware of your confidence when it starts to slip, being aware of your own self talk. That is the way you communicate with your self. Sadly people tend to be very negative in how and what they think. They ask questions to themselves that require a negative answer. Like I always say your brain is like a machine, it has no bias what ever you put in is what you get out. So make a point of only asking questions or making statements that are positive. You will find your confidence going up because you constantly will be receiving information that makes you feel good, rather than information that makes you want to crawl under a rock. The homework for this one is to take complete ownership of your thoughts, remember you are the boss! If there are thoughts going on in your mind that do not support you, instantly make a statement that is the opposite. You will be blown away by the effects!
5. Practice
In this day and age of instant Email, instant messages, I want it now, give it to me now. It can be difficult to have to have patience. No one wants to do the work, but we all want the benefits. Often times it is the very thing that people do not want to do, the thing they wont do, that is exactly what the need to do. How many of us do not exercise? How many of us to not deepen our relationships when we know we should? My point is, there is not quick fix the only way you can have substantial results is to practice, practice, practice. Make confidence something you are fully committed to, use these tools everyday, make them a part of who you are. This change in your belief and how you construct your thoughts will lead to a shift in your life that will knock you off your socks! Guaranteed!
Disclaimer: If you follow the 5 Keys to Unstoppable Confidence with passion and determination you may encounter the following side effects: Abnormal Joy, decreased stress, problems complaining, lack of nervousness, increased sex drive, feeling empowered upon arising from a sitting or lying position, racing heartbeat, manic intensity,
Recognized as an expert in the arena of personal improvement, Shannon Graham is completely committed to helping others achieve their goals and live like a champion. His website is:
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6:44 AM
Labels: Boost Self-confidence, Building Self Confidence, Fearlessness, Practice, Self Talk
Monday, January 14, 2008
5 Steps to Destroy Fear and Build Self Confidence
By Steve Peck
Recently while reading through "The Magic of Thinking Big", I found these five little steps anyone could do to gain more confidence in their life and destroy fear. It was so powerful, and yet so simple!
We all face time that more confidence would make the difference between having what you want and not having it. It may show up for you as fear, or simple lack of action. Its that thing you know you should do but are stopped for some reason.
Here are 5 Steps and Practices that will work for you -
1. Action cures fear. Isolate your fear and then take constructive action. Inaction--doing nothing about a situation strengthens fear and destroys confidence. Pick one thing you are putting off or avoiding, where you know fear has a grip and take at least one action today.
2. Make a supreme effort to put only positive thoughts in your memory bank. Don't let negative, self deprecatory thoughts grow into mental monsters. Simply refuse to recall unpleasant events or situations. Pick a positive experience from your life (search for it if you have to), one where you felt good. Stop and think about it, relive it in your mind, recall every detail….dwell in it.
3. Put people in proper perspective. Remember people are more alike, much more alike than they are different. Get a balanced view of the other fellow. He is just another human being. And develop an understanding attitude. Many people will bark but it's a rare one who bites.
4. Practice doing what your conscience tells you is right. This prevents a poisonous guilt complex from developing. Doing what's right is a very practical rule for success.
5. Make everything about you say, I'm confident really confident. Practice these little techniques in your day to day activities. Try them and see they make a difference for you.a. Be a front seater - in church, school or next meetingb. Make eye contact - look people in the eye.c. Walk 24 percent faster - you may be suprised.d. Speak up - make it a point to say something constructive or ask a question.e. Smile big - it makes a difference.
Commit to take action today and see the difference it makes in your life. We'd love your feedback - remember 5-b Speak up!
Steve Peck is a veteran network marketer with over 10 years experience building a business using the traditional methods (the old school). He is excited to share a truly online system that works. He is currently building a real online MLM business without making one phone call, holding home meetings, paying for card decks, conference calls, cold calling ... ===> Visit Steve's Blog ===>
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7:07 PM
Labels: Building Self Confidence, Destroying Fear
Feel confident and clear about what you want
By Melisa Milonas
Have you noticed that when you are clear and concise about what you want you feel more confident? You especially feel confident in knowing you will get it. Half the battle of feeling confident is knowing what you want and being clear about getting it. Self-doubt comes from being unclear, confused, and fearful about the future and what we want you want in your life.
Now is the time to start to think about what you want for 2008. Think about goals you want to set and achieve. You may want the perfect job, partner, or home. We are all starting to fantasize about what we want and what our ideal situation for the New Year would be. You have been thinking about how happy you would be if you had achieved x,y,z.
It is important to be SPECIFIC about what you want for the next year. I find frequently that people are unclear about what exactly they want which contributes to their struggle with being happy and fulfilled in their life. Being clear about what you want and what it would look like once you have it is key to manifesting.
Another thing many people miss is describing what they will offer or give in return for what they achieve and receive. You do not just want to focus on what you will get, you also need to be clear about what you will do and give in return for what you receive. Take time in the next week to think about what things you would like to have or achieve in 2008 that would make it a great year for you. Once you have specific goals breakdown what each one would need to have to make you happy and fulfilled.
Here is a great exercise for you to get started: Get a piece of paper and divide it 3 columns. In column one write must be, column 2 write willing to work with, and in column 3 write bonus. Then go through each column and write in detail what each one needs in order for you to feel happy and fulfilled. If you are focusing on an ideal job, maybe it must be close to home but you are willing to work one night a week, bonus would be that you could work from home occasionally. Really think through this and be clear and list as much as you can. Then take another piece of paper and write what you would contribute. What qualities, skills, and ways of being will you bring to the situation?
Copyright (c) 2007 Melisa Milonas LLC
Call me for a FREE consultation and we can talk about your goals and see if coaching is right for you. What you can expect to receive from our call; upfront honest feedback about what you need to do to achieve your goals. Leave with an awareness about what has been blocking you from the success you want and how to remove it from your path. You can reach me at 201-683-9572 or
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6:52 PM
Labels: Feeling Confident
Self Confidence: Learning to Have Faith and Trust in Yourself
By Rhonda Smith
Do you have faith and trust in yourself? Confidence is trust or faith that a person or thing is capable. Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. Therefore if you have faith and trust in yourself you have confidence. I am astonished at how many women I meet who struggle with self-confidence. There are many factors that can lead to a lack of confidence such as gender, birth order, and parent’s attitudes.
Did you know that boys are called on to answers teacher’s questions more often than girls? Do you know why? More boys raise their hands than girls. So naturally when the teacher sees 10 boys with hands up and only 2 girls, the teacher will pick a boy. Boys raise their hands even when they don’t know the answer. Girls raise their hands only when they know the answer and sometimes not even then.
First born children are usually more confident, particularly if they are male. Parents pay lots of attention to everything a first-born does, therefore creating more confidence.
If one or both of your parents were excessively critical, demanding or overprotective you may not have developed self-confidence.
So what if you are a woman, who was not the first born, with parents who were overly critical or protective? What if don’t have faith and trust in yourself? How can you build your confidence?
First recognize what self-confidence looks like. When you are self-confident you will:
Do what you believe is right, even if others mock or criticize you.
Be willing to take risks and go the extra mile to achieve better things.
Admit your mistakes and vow to learn from them.
Accept compliments graciously.
If you lack confidence you may:
Base your behavior on what other people think.
Stay in your comfort zone because you fear failure.
Cover up mistakes.
Dismiss compliments.
To build your confidence you must understand that it is like a muscle. There is no quick fix. Confidence must be warmed up, worked out, and stretched on a consistent basis to reach maximum potential and peak performance. Here are some steps to get you started:
Mentally prepare. Take stock of where you are, where you want to go, and commit yourself to starting it and staying with it. Look at what you have already achieved by writing out your 5 greatest accomplishments or finest moments. You may want to post this somewhere you can see it often. Give yourself credit for everything you try. By applauding yourself for trying you will build confidence. Approach new experiences as opportunities to learn regardless of the outcome. Listen to your self talk. Eliminate negative self-talk. If you have self-doubts, write them down and challenge them with rational solutions. Build your knowledge and/or skills by taking a class or course. Go get the degree or certificate that will prove your abilities to the world and yourself. Understand that you will make mistakes and you will not be perfect. Perfection is the antagonist of confidence. Set small goals (as steps to your bigger goals) and when you achieve them celebrate! Continue to stretch yourself by setting bigger goals. Hire a coach if you can’t do it on your own! Self-confidence is about balance. You know that negative outcomes are possible, but rather than exaggerating or minimizing it, you give it the due attention necessary (what can I do if this happens ...). So perhaps a better definition of confidence is the state of balanced perceptions and preparation.
And what will be the result of this new found confidence? Those around you will notice your confidence and you will inspire confidence in others. Perhaps Jack Welch said it best, "Confidence gives you courage and extends your reach. It lets you take greater risks and achieve far more than you ever thought possible!"
Rhonda H. Smith is a Professional Business and Life Coach. She works with women and small businesses to move beyond "Stuck" by nurturing and inspiring them to new paths of self-discovery, awareness and greatness. For more information please visit or
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12:55 PM
Labels: Faith and Trust, Self Talk
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
How To Build Self Confidence?
By Bharavi Reddy
"What makes you weep, my friend? In you is all power. Summon up your all-powerful nature, O mighty one and this whole universe will lie at your feet. It is the self alone that predominates and not matter"
Though the potential strength is hidden within us, we are not able to utilize it. Right attitude, positive thinking and firm faith alone can help us to manifest this hidden strength within
How do great people achieve success in life? They cultivate certain qualities in order to awaken the hidden confidence within themselves. Why not we also give a try if we wish to be great and successful in life?
1) Conviction
2) Hard Works
3) Will-Power
4) Self-respect
5) Long Preparation
6) Communication
7) Commitment
8) Discrimination
9) Definite Goal
10) Love
11) Concentration
12) Strength
What we want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel. We have wept long enough. no more weeping, but stand on your feet and be men. It is a man- making religion that we want. it is man - making education all round that we want. And here is the truth - anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject as poison; there is no life in it, it cannot be true. Truth is strengthening. Truth is purity truth is knowledge.
Any action that makes us go God ward is a good action, and is our duty; any action that makes us go downward is evil, and is not our duty.
This infinite power of the spirit, brought to bear upon matter evolves material development. Made to act upon thought evolves intellectuality, and made to act upon itself makes of man a God.
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12:22 PM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
20 Ways To Increase Your Confidence Today!
By Dj Frost
20 quick and practical methods to increase your confidence, here we go:
1. Think about someone who is confident and act, talk and walk like him or her. Model their mannerisms and behavior. It works for them; it will work for you.
2. Smile a lot more. That doesn't mean putting a silly grin on your face! But smile when you walk down the street, when you meet people and generally be happier even if you're not feeling that way.
3. Learn from the past; don't beat yourself up about it. It's gone; it's never coming back. Instead learn from it for next time.
4. Buy yourself some new clothes, get your hair done, and treat yourself to something new. It will make you feel better and will give your ego a boost.
5. Are you prepared for situations? Are you prepared enough to meet any challenge that may come up? Are you prepared for that meeting, that presentation, that job interview, when you meet someone for the first time? If not, prepare now.
6. Play to your strengths. Know what you are good at and expose yourself to these opportunities at every opportunity because you're good at it, you'll enjoy it and have more confidence.
7. Improve your weaknesses. Know and appreciate what these are and put a plan in place to improve them over time.
8. Learn how to say no to people. Don't be afraid, you've got nothing to be afraid of. Just watch the reaction on their face after you've said it the first time and there will be no going back.
9. Be positive. Look on the "can do" side of things rather than the "can't do". You've accomplished lots in your life and you will accomplish lots more in the future.
10. Be in charge of your thoughts at all times. What is a thought? It's just a question that you've asked yourself and the thought is your answer. If you're thinking negative thoughts, you're probably asking a negative question. Change the questions to be more positive.
11. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming: STOP, THINK and ASK "Is this really important in the grand scheme of things?' A lot of the time it isn't. Many people in life major in minor things!
12. Do you let the words of others affect you? Do you mind what they think of you? Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It's not what they say to you that's the problem it's what you say to yourself after they have stopped talking that's the problem. Change the way you think.
13. List the words that you use on a consistent basis when you feel let down or annoyed. People use different words to mean the same thing and depending upon the intensity of the word this will have an effect on your confidence. Instead of saying "I'm enraged about this" say, "I'm a little annoyed". Make a substitute list for the words that you use. Make sure they are lower in intensity and then use them. You'll be surprised with the results.
14. At the end of each day list your achievements and successes throughout that day.
15. Be appreciative of what you have to be thankful for in your life right now. Who do you love? Who loves you? Who do you help out?
16. Every morning when you're in the shower, play over in your head the events in the day as though they have already happened and they were a success. Visualize all of the meetings that you had, the people you talked to, the outcomes you had. Visualize success and confidence and it will be so.
17. Improve your body language. The way that you move your body has a massive impact on your confidence levels. Move your body assertively and walk with your head up, shoulders back and as though you've got somewhere very important to go. Feeling low in confidence? Change you body language
18. Emotion is created by motion. As in 17, make sure you move around consistently. This creates energy and gets the blood pumping around you body it makes you feel better and more confident.
19. Learn to brag about yourself. Yes, you heard me! Talk about your achievements and successes more than you currently are.
20. And finally - You only live once, so any time that you are down just ask yourself in 10 or 20 years time - will what I am worrying about really matter?
D.J. is Healing Arts Business Growth Specialists helping holistic practitioners grow their businesses. To get their FREE eCourse: 7 Critical Skills to Attract More Money, More Clients and a Soul-Satisfying Lifestyle, visit their site at
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12:19 PM
How to Build Your Confidence Automatically
By Lila Jirel
Confidence to do a work generally means strong feeling from the inner part of your heart and mind that you can do that work easily. You do not even think of any failure or being unsuccessful while doing that work. If you've confidence, then you can do anything easily than you thought before doing that work or any action. What I think is thinking that you can do what you are doing or going to do, having positive looking to that action and believing that you are confident to do what you are going to do is 50% of that work already done. This concept is quite unbelievable and unacceptable for the beginners but it is true for who have done.
Remember this takes some time, dedication, patience and regular practice and anyone can benefit. How less or more confidence build in you totally depends on yourself.
1. Do not make unnecessary comparison with others. Understand the fact that this world is very much diverse in different aspects and you are different and unique from others in thousands of ways. So why to be worried thinking for example that you couldn't become pilot as your close competitor friend? You may have ability to draw good picture, sing very well and many more. What would be situation of this world if everyone of this world worried thinking one doesn't have the ability, quality or thing that the others have? Rather try to find out what special ability or quality you have that other don't and follow and work accordingly. We all are given many special qualities by God. Only our defect is either inability or careless to find those qualities. One fact that we have to keep in mind is why some of our ancestors or those people who lived in past history were scientists, others doctors, singers and many more? Why did they all not become only scientists, or doctors or singers? Because they had different qualities, abilities of their own. So be a person of your own.
2. Even a very good runner who used to be always first in past can not become first if s/he have thinking that s/he will not be winner.This simple thinking weakens his muscle and whole body, inner power, confidence and finally results turns same one thought before in the beginning. In such case your belief about what you are doing and who you are play as much role as your skills, your way of doing that work. Positive thinking that you will win and should win makes you confident to do that work.
3. Whatever you are doing, always think about positive about that work. If you think about negative part of that work, then you never can not do that correctly and in given time because negative thinking gradually decreases your confidence, inner strength. Rather you should think about positive part. In the course of time while doing any work, try to figure out what you've achieved during that time. If you repeated this, then next time while calculating your achievements, you definitely will have gained more confidence than that of previous one. This shows that you are gaining confidence to do that work and in this way you will feel more confident, energetic.
4. Maintain your balance of mind, body and everything in daily life. You can only do everything you want to do if you have balanced mind and body. If there arise some ups and downs in your balance, then you definitely will start to be worried and your inner strength decreases. Mental balance is even more important here. Because mental imbalance effects your body and social balances as well. So never keep your mind vacant. I mean try to think positive each and every moment. Our mind receives whatever information we send and gives results according to that information. If you think positive then it will have positive effect on our body and other aspects and vice-versa.
5. Believe in yourself. Your perception of who you are plays very important role in building confidence, developing your personalities and success. Always think that you are confident and able to do any work. You are the most important person for you even more than one who you think you love the most. This increases your self-esteem and confidence level automatically.
Motivational, inspirational, successful life style tips at
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12:15 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Building Self Confidence - An Effective Approach
By Stephen C Campbell
There are important points that you need to consider in building self confidence. When you are successful in following these points, you can make your self more productive. Well, surely, you will pay attention to this because, like most of the people, you are also want techniques on how to gain self confidence.
One thing that you need to understand is that, you can start improving self confidence from the smallest thing to the largest changes in your life. Meaning, you can make a self-confidence improvement from an activity that you do in daily life. Daily activities in your home, school, community, etc. can contribute for building your confidence
How to gain self-confidence on daily basis? Well, you can start in simple things. For instance, developing your outside appearance can help to boost your self confidence; this can help you to make you feel better about your self. You can augment your appearance by changing your hair color, your hairstyle, your outfit- all of these can contribute on how to build self confidence.
You can also do things to help you to develop inside of your self. How to build self-confidence through this? Well, one thing that you can do to have it done is to read some great books because in this way, you can stimulate your mind. You can also take a hot bat, drink a cup of tea and use some body lotions- all these can stimulate your mind and thus, can help in improving self confidence.
And also, knowing your needs for your self or being certain on what you want can help improving your self. When you see yourself needing some attention or pampering, then you should do it. If you think that you need to be isolated from people for some time, then do it. These are important for your mental health; knowing what you need can make you feel the best out of your life and this can help improving self confidence.
If you think that there is something lacking in your life, you should have a self-assessment in order to find what is missing and so you are able to design a strategy for it. This is an important act for you to be in best control of your mind. Feeling good, looking good will surely make your tasks to have good results.
Lastly, you can also talk to the people around you- your friends, your superiors, your teachers. Surely, you can learn a lot from them about your self and this can help you in boosting or improving self confidence. Having your self with people, especially with your friends in building self-confidence.
About the Author: Stephen C Campbell (Master NLP Practitioner) has published more information about effective strategies to develop self confidence at
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3:14 PM
Labels: Building Self Confidence
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Do you have low or high self-confidence?
By Emmanuel Segui
You can find out if you have low or high self-confidence by asking yourself the right questions.
If you have high self-confidence, you will agree with the following statements:
- I am eager to learn new things.
- I take pride in doing a good job and being a nice person.
- I can handle criticism without being too emotional.
- I know what things I am good at, and those that I'm not.
- It is okay if I win or if I lose.
- Before I do something, I usually think "I can do it."
- I like to try to do things without help but, I don't mind asking for help if I really need it.
- I like myself.
Does this sound like you? If some of the items in this checklist sound like you, that's good… you're developing self-confidence! Remember to tell yourself everyday that you are a capable person!
Repeat 10 times "I like Myself!", several times a day.
If this doesn't sound like you at all, check out the following questionnaire to find out if you have low self-confidence. If you have low self-confidence, you might agree with the following statements:
- I do not like to try new things.
- I can't do anything right.
- If my friends criticize me, I get very upset.
- I don't know what I am good at.
- I have a hard time meeting new people or making friends.
- I am embarrassed to ask a question or speak up in a group.
- Before I do something, I may think "I can't do it."
- I don't like to try new things unless someone shows me how to do it first.
- I don't like myself.
If many or all of these items sound like you, it will be helpful for you to work on raising your self-confidence.
Try these steps to boost your self-esteem and you will automatically boost the level of self-confidence.
- Think positive thoughts about yourself! Focus on your strengths – not your weaknesses. Realize that you are better at some things than others.
- Set realistic goals. This means not setting goals too high or too low, but at a level you know you can reach. Then, you can always strive to do better than your goal.
- Give yourself credit when you reach a goal and praise yourself when you have done well. Have a party! who told you it was wrong?
- Learn to be assertive – express your thoughts, opinions, needs, and feelings openly – but without abusing others' rights.
- Don't compare yourself to others - remember, you're just fine the way you are! Comparison is one of the first reason for low self-esteem and depression. You think that others are better than you. If you think so, you are probably right, but actually, it's totally wrong.
- Practice positive body language. Walk tall, don't slump. When your body says "I can" everyone will believe you can.
Assess yourself on a regular basis. Ask yourself these questions. Buy a book or a course on self-confidence and do the assessment again to see if you improved. Learn from it and move on...
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To learn more techniques and strategies to enhance your self-confidence, check out our *free* multi-media course: ""The 5 Best and Simple Ways to Enhance your self Esteem and Build your Self-Confidence". Also get 5 *free* Special Self-Improvement, Self-Confidence & Leadership Reports check out now =>
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10:59 AM
Labels: Low or High Self-Confidence